Doing part time job on EAD


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Hi All,
My employer filled both 140 and 485 concurrently and got both EAD and AP nine months ago. I got an opportunity to work as a part time in a Texas based company for few hours a week. The employer is ready to give the job on 1090 but not on W2. I think I am not supposed to have another W2 being an employee for another company. My 140 has not been approved yet. I was wondering that whether I can work on 1090 or not. One of my friends told me that the big companies like my current employer will have a clause saying that the employees of the company should not work as part time. I am not really sure that my company has such a clause. I would really appreciate any help or comments on my query.
Thank you very much for your reply. This is just out of my Curiosity that how do my employer know whether I am working on a part time job. Their responsibility is to give me the W2 at the end of the year. They don't check my federal tax right?
They cannot check your taxes.. but still make sure you do not have any clause with your full time employer that does not allow you to work part time..... if some how the full time company find out abt your part time job you can get in to toruble because of that "clause"
Thanks for the reply. Can my wife be on 1099 instead of W2 without incorp any company? I heard that she should be with some employer while she is on EAD. Is this true? Is she legally eligible to project herself as an independent contractor?
That is a binding on you - to get W2 from atleast one place(nessecarily your sponsor) and not for her. She can work as contractor.