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Does thePolice clearance certificate require for an army officer after UN mission for an interview?


Does the Police clearance certificate require for an army officer after UN mission for an interview?

One of my friend named Bikarna Thapa is an army officer has a case number AS 30XX from Nepal. He is now at Lebanon(remained for 6 months) and gonna return back Nepal within some months because his case number will be current very soon!!! Does he need a police clearance certificate at the time of interview?
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He is an army officer, he does not do an illegal work in Lebanon of his six months service period. He has no permission outside from his fixed boundary so there would not be any chances of criminal activities. In that situation, does it compulsion to submit his police clearance certificate at the time of interview?
You asked a question, I answered it. Yes he must submit a police clearance as part of his application.
Mmmmm I know in the us army when the soldiers apply for us citizenship they don't not count the time spent a broad on mission for them to cumulate time residing on usa soil, mission ouside are considered as same as being inside the state. So I'm not sure if this is applicable to ur friend case. Coz if he served his country nepal under UN mission,he would be liabale under the nepalese law if he comited any crimes and its equal of spending time in his own country coz he's has the flag on his army uniform...
So for me he will only need a nepalees Police clearance.
That's just my opinion.
You asked a question, I answered it. Yes he must submit a police clearance as part of his application.

Yes, I have seen...You answered my question but he does not satisfied from your answer!!! He has served for his nation with the flag of Nepal following the rules of Nepalese army and UNIFIL.

Yes, I have seen...You answered my question but he does not satisfied from your answer!!! He has served for his nation with the flag of Nepal following the rules of Nepalese army and UNIFIL.

The point is to verify what you have there. If people expected others to take their word at face value why would anybody need any sort of certificate or report?

An army officer could have jumped over the fence and committed a criminal activity. The purpose of the police report is to verify that he didn't.
By the way, edit your post to remove your friend's name. Nobody needs his name to give you an answer.
The point is to verify what you have there. If people expected others to take their word at face value why would anybody need any sort of certificate or report?

An army officer could have jumped over the fence and committed a criminal activity. The purpose of the police report is to verify that he didn't.
U are right he could of commited a crime any time , jumping a fens.
but if this is the case, he served under the nepalees army
So it would show on his home country pcc.
Yes he is satisfied from your suggestion

Looks like the person you posted on behalf of already has his mind made up on what' he wants to hear and what he's going to do, so why on earth is he seeking other peoples opinions? Bloody waste of time IMO!
By the way, edit your post to remove your friend's name. Nobody needs his name to give you an answer.[/QUOTE
Why is it necessary to edit the post and his name?, He has satisfied from the answer of somebody!!!His name is flashed not for you, !!! he does not expect an answer from u and that question is not for u man!!!
By the way, edit your post to remove your friend's name. Nobody needs his name to give you an answer.

Why is it necessary to edit the post and his name?, He has satisfied from the answer of somebody!!!His name is flashed not for you, !!! he does not expect an answer from u and that question is not for u man!!!
Why is it necessary to edit the post and his name?, He has satisfied from the answer of somebody!!!His name is flashed not for you, !!! he does not expect an answer from u and that question is not for u man!!!

To protect his privacy. It is common sense really.
Why is it necessary to edit the post and his name?, He has satisfied from the answer of somebody!!!His name is flashed not for you, !!! he does not expect an answer from u and that question is not for u man!!!

To protect his privacy. It is common sense really.

Exactly what britsimon said. And perhaps you should think twice about being rude to someone who reminding you of common sense on the internet.
U are right he could of commited a crime any time , jumping a fens.
but if this is the case, he served under the nepalees army
So it would show on his home country pcc.

He has to provide Police Clearance, you did not specify in your original post which country he was inquiring about the police report for.

Why is it necessary to edit the post and his name?, He has satisfied from the answer of somebody!!!His name is flashed not for you, !!! he does not expect an answer from u and that question is not for u man!!!

What is it with all the attitude, you come in here ask a question in a manner that we can hardly understand and then have the audacity to be rude back to people trying to help. And if your friend didnt expect an answer from the people that responded why didnt he just pm the person he was trying to get an answer from instead of wasting our time.

To protect his privacy. It is common sense really.

*highlighted mistake number 1 ;)

Actually it is not his real name!!!

Then why would you try and use it?

He is an army officer, he does not do an illegal work in Lebanon of his six months service period. He has no permission outside from his fixed boundary so there would not be any chances of criminal activities. In that situation, does it compulsion to submit his police clearance certificate at the time of interview?

Yes, I have seen...You answered my question but he does not satisfied from your answer!!! He has served for his nation with the flag of Nepal following the rules of Nepalese army and UNIFIL.

Still needs a police clearance.

would he just prefer to have someone tell him everything is going to be fine and that he can do what ever he wants and then get rejected at the interview or would he prefer to be well informed and pass his interview.