Does the Indianapolis BCIS Office Entertain


Registered Users (C)
walk-ins for fingerprinting prior to the scheduled date and time?

Would appreciate input from anyone who went in for fingerprinting prior to the appointed time, in Indianapolis (or any other place for that matter).

It all depends which site you go to. Some site let you finger print earlier. But others stick with the appointment date. you have to ask.

BTW, I have no idea about your local site.

I did my fingerprinting in Indianapolis in May 2002 - about one month prior to the scheduled fingerprinting date. I applied for an EAD and AP and asked whether they would do the fingerprinting early, which they did.

In retrospect, it seems that this was not such a good idea after all, since the fingerprinting results are only good for 15 months. I will probably have to go back for a second fingerprinting.

If you are in the early stages of the waiting time for approval, you may consider going for FP late within the timeframe given.

bootsncamo, how did you schedule your early FP at Indy? did you call the local office or did u schedule thru the Customer Service Center?

Bootsncamo, thanks for your input. Just to follow through on the other question by avpraghav, did you schedule the appointment or did you just walk in before your due date?

You do bring up a good time about the fact that fingerprints are valid only for 15 months. This is my second fingerprinting though and I have been waiting since Sept 2001!! My first fingerprints were done in January 2002, and hopefully, I won't have to wait until they expire a second time :).
Indy field office

Sorry for the delay in answering your questions.

I did not make an appointment for getting the FP done early. I went in the INS field office to obtain an EAD and to apply for AP. In May 02 they still approved and issued EAD's for employment based I485 applicants on a walk-in same-day basis. Arriving there at 8:30 am, I took my number and waited my turn. When called (after about 2 hours), I gave them all the documents for the EAD and AP applications. I also showed them the fingerprinting notice and politely asked whether I could take the fingerprints early so that I would not have to make the drive to Indy a second time. They agreed, and I had to wait another hour or so to get my EAD done and get fingerprinted. The AP came one month later by mail.

I suggest you go to fingerprinting late within the timeframe stated on your fingerprinting notice.

When you get to the Indy field office, plan to arrive early, shortly before the time when they will open. You can park for free on the street one block west of the INS office, or you can use the pay-parking-lot ($2 for the day). If you have an appointment letter (eg your fingerprinting notice) you do not need to take a number. When they open the doors, someone will come and ask people with appointment letters to come forward. They will collect all the letters and then call you.

If you do not have an appointment you will have to take a number and wait your turn. Having done this procedure three times now, I can tell you that it take about 2 hours, regardless when you showed up. Some people chose to be there at 6 am (or some other ungodly hour) and ended up standing in the lobby, wating fir the doors to open. If you show up at 8, you'll wait two hours in the waiting room, where at least you can sit.

Don't bring anything that could be construed as a weapon - the security will tell you to put it back into your vehicle. (This includes Gerber tools, as I found out).

Lastly, bring something to read, or to knit, or to otherwise entertain yourself, otherwise enjoy watching other people's children run, jump, scream and cry.

Have fun...

Thank you

Mark, I appreciate the great detail in your reply. I've done the pilgrimage to the Indy office once before (for the fingerprinting of my daughter) so I can relate to the description of the crowded chaos there.

A couple more questions. Could you elaborate on what you mean by going late within the timeframe on the fingerprinting notice and why you recommend that? Also, from your reply I sensed that you had to be there anyway for the EAD/AP and asked them to fingerprint you as well, as a sort of a double-dipping option. I don't have any other business there, so essentially my story would have to be something like, well I was in the neigborhood anyway and thought I would drop in so that I don't have to do the 2 hour drive again. Do you think they would be kindly disposed to this?

Thanks again for the insight.
Early Fingerprinting

Hi again,

To elaborate on my suggestion with going fingerprinting late with in the set timeframe: The BCIS sent you a notice that has a scheduled date for fingerprinting, but it also says that if you cannot make it on the set date you can come (without appointment) at any Friday within the three months following the appointment. I would suggest you wait until the last month or so of this alloted timeframe.

Here's why: Fingerprints are taken and sent to the FBI for analysis. They are compared with the national fingerprints database to see whether you were involved in any crimes. The results of the analysis are sent to the BCIS; the FBI won't keep records of your prints. The FBI's fingerprint clearance is good for 15 months. If your application is not adjudicated within this timeframe you will be called for a re-printing.

It seems to me that the BCIS has been prioritizing those cases whose fingerprints were about to expire, and has been putting those who need to be fingerprinted a second time on the back burner. So - if you want to increase your chances of avoiding a second fingerprinting, you should go later rather than earlier.

As for the staff in Indy - they will probably allow you the early fingerprinting. But then again, why would you want to wait for 2 hours risking to be sent back home when your number gets finally called.


In any case, we are scheduled for next Monday, and I figure now that we have waited for this for 27 months, what's another lousy week.

Thanks a lot anyway. Best of luck in your search for 'green'er pastures.