Does online status always disappears just prior to interview notice?


Registered Users (C)
Does online status always disappears just prior to interview notice?

Or for some, does it stay the same without any updating by the USCIS ?

If it does disappear, does it mean you can no longer check your status online (status after interview) ?
This doesn't always seem to be the case...if you search in Google groups/Usenet etc. there seem to be cases where:

1) The online case status never shows up in the first place

2) The online case status stays even after interview letter has been received and/or interview is over...

My case status just disappeared and I am planning to call the Customer Service Center/local office tomorrow to double check my status - I don't think the online status should be trusted 100%...

Right before I received the interview offer letter, the online case status query showed nothing. I recieved the letter in 2-3 weeks.
If you dont see it online then keep checking your mailbox, you are up for a surprise.... a good surprise!!!
my online status disappeared yesterday.Hopefully interview soon.

PD 10-22-03
FP 12-17-03 (Went 1 week later than scheduled appt).
Online status vanished ---2-6-04.

VSC - Charleston,WV
pd july 17th 2003
fp oct 9th 2003
( due to insufficent funds i sent 260.00 instaed of 310.00)
jan 31 2003 case dissapear from ins web site

interview may 18th 2004
oath june 14th 2004 :p
Today my oath was scheduled for 9:00am i got there at 8:45 everything was on time.
from start to finish 1 hour at 10am i was a citizen with certificate in hand.
Went to passport office and applied for passports for my daughter and I which i received in 5 hours.
Due to the fact i will be traveling this week. :p :p
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i have been watching this board for a while congrats also to you,
i just called the bcis office to reschedule because by appointment is on the 18th of may when i am going to be giving birth. I wanted an earlier appointment but she said they only give later appointments haha.
so she said to me just call 14 days before if i can't make the appointment.
hook or crook i have to make it.
They are insane...

Hopefully your reschedule won't be pushed too far in the future!

I vaguely remember some other post (I'm not even sure if it was in this forum) where the reschedule was done for just a month later (pushed from March 2002 to April 2002) so that's not so bad!

Congratulations ratrat.
I had my daughter 15th of may and my appointment was the 18th which i manage to keep.
I even took her with me . There were about 75 people in the room already. My appointment was scheduled for 2:15 pm and i went there at 9am.
I was told i can come anytime as long as i keep the appointment.
I hand over my letter at the window and the staff was so amazed i would come out so soon with the baby for this appointment.
Anyway they were nice and ask if i had all my documents ready i said yes and she told me to have a seat in less than 10 mins i was called lucky.
The interview was less than 10mins. I had to make new photos and redo my trip list which i did and handed back everything 2 days later.
I recived a letter dated may 26th mailed 27th that i was approved and my oath date to be scheduled for june 14th.
i am so happy.
Congratulations on the baby and the Oath date!!!

This sounds like it's going to be a wondeful summer for you!

I had my Oath yesterday (June 4) and it was a breeze...the officer was being silly - he went up to one lady who had her 8 month old baby with her and said "if you want to naturalize your sone today, we can do it" and the woman said "Umm, well my son was BORN here so i don't think he needs to be naturalized."

So we all thought the officer was kidding - but he was genuinely asking her - I think his brain must have gone out to lunch for a bit!
