Does one lose H4 status if EAD is used to obtain Social Sec Number


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Was curious to know if applying for a social security number (SSN) on the strength of a EAD counts as having "used" the EAD, thus voiding H4 status. Would appreciate info on the topic. Anyone gone through this situation?

Also, is it beneficial to keep H4 status until 485 is approved if one is not planning on working in any case on the strength of the EAD?

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Hi Aggie,

My wife had SSN on H4. After getting our greencard she reapplied and has the same number without the restriction. Our lawyer told us that if she works with EAD, she needs a new SSN and that will void her H4 status. That\'s why we applied for her AP though she had time left on her H4.

I think it is beneficial to keep H4 status until 485 is approved if one is not planning to working anyway with EAD, because that will save you some hard earned money. Let me give you our example. When we applied for I-485, I had 1.5 years on my H1B and my wife had 1.5 years on her H4. Other than our AOS, I applied for EAD and my wife applied for her EAD and AP (This was is Sep, 2000). By Dec 2000, our AOS status was done. By Jan 9, 2001 we got our passport stamped. Now the fun part : On Jan 24, 2001 we got our EAD and my wife\'s AP never came. We could have saved $200.00 for 2 EAD\'s and $95 for her AP. If one of you are not planning to use your EAD and have valid H4, then it might be better to save the money.