Does Non RIR Labor need advertisement??


Registered Users (C)
Does Non RIR Labor need advertisement before form 750A and 750B is filed in state work force agency or after? I want to file my non rir labor with the current rule that expires on March 27th 2005 (since PERM starts on march 28th) and I am in the end of 5th year on H1B. Since time is very less with the current rule, is that sufficient to file my labor before end of march 27th 2005??? Your valuable advice is appreciated.

No need to give ads before applying for NON RIR. You need to wait until department of Labor send you instructions.
Once non rir labor is filed in SESA/SWA, do they assign priority date to the labor application or after there insrtuctions??
Would be great if anybody can advise or throw there experiences.
