Does it need to keep the CARD always with us???


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Hey guys,

I recently got my green card (last week) and have a quick question. Do we need to keep the card all the time with us ?? I mean to say carry with us in the wallet all the time ??

Yes, you must carry it with you.

But a lot of people don't, for fear of losing it or having it stolen. But it can cause problems for you if you are questioned at or near any border towns, airports, etc. until they can verify your status.
You are supposed to, but I don't. I only take it with me when I am near border towns, going to airport, that sort of thing.

In my daily life? Seems excessive.
Technically you are supposed to carry it everywhere, but it is rarely enforced. If anything, if you carry it everywhere you are more likely to lose it which would cause other problems.

However, it is still a good idea to keep it within a short driving distance of wherever you go. So if you drive200 miles out of town or fly on a plane, take it with you. But otherwise keep it home or in a safe deposit box at the bank.
You could just carry a photo copy of it. Replacing a lost card is more troublesome than proving you are a PR. No one will ask for for proof of your legal status in daily life, even cops who pull you over.
You could just carry a photo copy of it. Replacing a lost card is more troublesome than proving you are a PR. No one will ask for for proof of your legal status in daily life, even cops who pull you over.
Unless you are non-white and live near the Mexican border.