does it mean that mY namecheck is cleared?


Registered Users (C)
i finally got a reply to my letter about pending namecheck to President BUsh. it came from USCIS HQ in washingtoin DC.

does it mean that my name got cleared? i'm a bit confused.

this is the full text of the letter dated 20 april and reached my mail on 28 april.
so is my case now ready for final decision?

Thank you for your letter dated February 17 2007 to the president George w bush. Your letter concerning the status of your i485 application and security checks was forwarded to department of homeland security (USCIS).

We have read your letter and understand that you are frustrated with the progress of your case. Based on the information you provided a search of our records, file A # (my alien number) has been completed. The information received shows that your application SRC-XXX (my case number) is still pending with Texas service center. We have been in contact with that office and have been advised that your case is actively under consideration with an officer at this time. Regrettably, as of this date a final decision as not yet been rendered.

The service is aware that your case has the processing time; unfortunately, sometimes adjudicating a case can become lengthy process. Upon gathering and assessing all available information, uscis will adjudicate your application as son as possible. We also understand the time sensitive nature of this matter and apologize for the inconvenience this delay may cause.

Uscis is committed to adjudicating immigration benefits in a timely manner while ensuring public safety and national security though the background checks for most applications or petitions are completed very quickly, a small percentage of cases have unresolved background check issues that temporarily delay adjudication of the application or petition. Although USCIS makes every effort to resolve such cases promptly, the agency cannot move forward until all outstanding issues have been resolved to our satisfaction. Unfortunately, the process can sometimes take years.

The background checks involve more than just the initial submission of biographical information or fingerprints and the initial response. If these checks and/ or reviews of the administrative record reveal an issue potentially impacting an applicant’s eligibility for the requested immigration benefit, further inquiry is needed. This inquiry may include and additional interview and / or the need to contact another agency for updates or more comprehensive information. If it is determined that an outside agency possesses information relevant to the applicant’s background, Uscis asks that agency to share any relevant information for consideration by USCis in the adjudication. Upon gathering and assessing al available information, USCIS will adjuciatie the application as expeditiously as possible.

In checking the status of your case, we have been assured that the agency is monitoring the progress of this case and USCIS is reviewing the information received from the background checks, determining if any additional information need to be collected, and assessing if the information impacts the applicant’s eligibility for the benefit being sought.

We hope this information is helpful and your continued patience is appreciated.
How you assume from text of this letter that your background check is done?
I don't believe what make you send letter to president in Feb just after three months of your I485 submission :)
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How you assume your background check is done?
I don't believe what make you send letter to president in Feb just after three months of your I485 submission :)

man, i have my own case to send thde letter so early.

my question is does this letter means that i'm almost done and NC is done?
I Agree with CAUSA

man, i have my own case to send thde letter so early.

my question is does this letter means that i'm almost done and NC is done?

I agree with CAUSA 100%. You are really crazy to send a letter to Mr.President so early.

Now, tell me from that letter what makes you believe that your case is ALMOST DONE and NC is done. I believe we all reading the same content :D

Seriously man, you got to be more patient! Look at my signature. Not that we don't want you to get your GC cleared, but this is crazy. Good Luck!
I agree with CAUSA 100%. You are really crazy to send a letter to Mr.President so early.

Now, tell me from that letter what makes you believe that your case is ALMOST DONE and NC is done. I believe we all reading the same content :D

Seriously man, you got to be more patient! Look at my signature. Not that we don't want you to get your GC cleared, but this is crazy. Good Luck!

i will not argue with you why i sent the letter so quickly but i have a very valid and strong case to not wait anymore. it is up to you to wait 3 years for namecheck or just 6 months. i chose to try my luck as soon as possible. call it crazy whatever, it is your opinion.

anyways, i'm just asking if the letter means anything. in paragraph 2, it mentions that my case now is with an officer. does this means that my case is ready for finalisation?
Budy- Your case was with the officer from day 1. This is standard letter they send to any one who ask for investigation or enquiry.
Answer to you origional question based on the content of the letter is "NO"
You name check is no done yet.

Good Luck
Budy- Your case was with the officer from day 1. This is standard letter they send to any one who ask for investigation or enquiry.
Answer to you origional question based on the content of the letter is "NO"
You name check is no done yet.

Good Luck

thanks for your reply. i saw a lot of replies from uscis to people in this forum, but this letter noone saw it before. also uscis doesn;t say that your case is with an officer if ur background check is still stuck, in those previous letters. this is why my letter is kind of different. many people got a letter from uscis (after their namecheck cleared) that their application is now assigned to an officer.

i hope i'm right but still suspicious.
I'll have to go with what sa7797 said. After going through your letter thoroughly (and ignoring the grammatical and spelling errors), the answer is NO.

I don't think your NC is complete.

I can understand your eagerness in trying to get the GC ASAP, and I wish you the best in that. However, I hope you have not played your hand too early, and played your trumph card too soon. Bothering the President, FL, or the FBI, with letters of request so early in the application stage might alienate them, and you might lose them when you strongly need there help (e.g., if your NC is stuck for over a year).

Good luck anyway!
I'll have to go with what sa7797 said. After going through your letter thoroughly (and ignoring the grammatical and spelling errors), the answer is NO.

I don't think your NC is complete.

I can understand your eagerness in trying to get the GC ASAP, and I wish you the best in that. However, I hope you have not played your hand too early, and played your trumph card too soon. Bothering the President, FL, or the FBI, with letters of request so early in the application stage might alienate them, and you might lose them when you strongly need there help (e.g., if your NC is stuck for over a year).

Good luck anyway!

i don't need the help later in 1 yr or so. i need it now otherwise, i'm leaving the country. i have my own special case , tis is why i'm doing this so early. if it works, it is great. otherwise, i will get better oportunities in another country. it is not worth it waiting anymore for me.
I think it is wise for you to start exploring options in other countries. It is very unlikely that your case will get approved this fast. YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE WRITTEN A LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT THIS EARLY IN THE GAME. Potentially it can work against you and not in favor of you.

Good Luck
I think it is wise for you to start exploring options in other countries. It is very unlikely that your case will get approved this fast. YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE WRITTEN A LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT THIS EARLY IN THE GAME. Potentially it can work against you and not in favor of you.

Good Luck

well u were wrong simply because actually my namecheck got cleared. i got a letter from FBI yesterday saying that my namecheck got cleared on april 5. so all theries of writing so early discussed here are simply wrong. good luck guys.