Does INS process 485 applications by RD or ND ?


Registered Users (C)
My RD is Feb\'01 and ND is Mar\'01. Does the INS process the 485 applications based on the RD or ND. I do know that they dont have any order of processing, but atleast for picking up the cases, does the RD matter or is it the ND.
processing of cases by INS

Dear Friend,
INS will not follow any principles, some cases are approved in 270 days and some are pending more than 500 days, in my opinion they are the most DISORGANISED government body/office in USA. The officers who looks our cases DO NOT EAT FOOD THRO THEIR MOUTHS!!!!!!!!!

Waiting for approval of I485 for more than 480 days. It really sucks.

ramukesi, I understand your frustration. But maintain cool. Be decent on boards like this. I\'m 100%

opinion. But it should be in acceptable way to others..

No counter arguments please. take it easy.
Fantastic comments by Ramukesi !!!!!!

INS should follow certain rules in processing cases. Whoever applied during April - Nov 2000, are also human beings; not ONLY who applied in 2001 or 2002.
the advice is good, the reason is not

because the reasoning should be just to be polite, but being afraid to cause even more frustration from INS is not being free.

I think RD.. on the final approval notice.. they dont even mention the Notice date. just the PD , RD and AD
Dear friends , let us talk LOGICALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Dear friends, this is my opinion :
Most of the places on the face of this earth, we follow QUE system, like first come first served, for example this QUE SYSTEM is followed at many places, like BANKS, AIRPORTS, RAIL STATIONS, BUS STATIONS, Mc Donalds, WENDYS, BURGER KINGS, PUBLIC REST ROOMS, TEMPLES, CHURCHES,MASZIDS, GURUDWARS,SCHOOLS, (even a kindergarten going kids follow the QUE system) AND so on, so on, I can give U millions of examples like this, BUT , BUT TO OUR SURPRISE, THE INS, in this country will not follow or care any QUE system, like approving cases on first come first served, I am really surprised what kind of directions/parameters in attending and approving the pending I 485 applications, IT REALLY SUCKS !!! I do not know who will open their eyes !!! OH GOD PL HELP US TO OPEN THE EYES OF INS.

it\'s not based on the RD or ND

it\'s based on the ADIT photo you sent...and your name..
It\'s ND. My guess is what we call as ND the IIO constantly refer as "Received Date"

My guess is the RD is the date stamped by the mail room (or whoever else) when they open the letter.

First In Still In....Ramukesi 440 days are too long! We all can understand your annoyance towards NSC. Hope it doesnt last any longer. I could ask you not to vent your fumes here only if I waited that long!!
Actually, it based on

uh, errrh, a very complex mechanism. First, you pick one lucky number. Add this number to your birthdate, multiply by your birth month. Then translate your name into a number using ASCII coding, this number will be divided by the number calculated from lucky number, birthday. OK, we call the result magic number. INS will send this number to 5 people in their magic list. After all that five people return the mail with 5 bucks, they started to process your case. If your magic number ends with 3, you get RFE, if it ends with 1 and can be divided by 3, you have to do local processing. If the magic number can be divided by 13 and ends with 13, you hit bad luck......
NSC processing

I think some oficers were hardworking(probably the new hires) and others were very very lazy. If your case has being assigned to one of those lazy individual,you are unlucky.