Does Infopass appointment from other state work ?


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Recently I got my I-485 approval. Since then I have been trying to get appointment in Washington to get I-551 stamp in my passport.

I tried to get an infopass appoinment from Pittsburgh office and successfully got one.

Is it possible to get one in some other state? For e.g . Pittsburgh, PA
Try Norfolk

I tried Dover, DE office but was rejected. Then I ended up doing stamping at Norfolk office.

A little something called jurisdiction and also proximity to your residence matters. I find it hard to believe you cannot get a single date within Washington...I had to wait 14 days after approval to get a timeslot in my district is pretty normal!
ganshm & maple_cartier,

Thanks to your replies.

I will be keep trying to get an appointment from DC office for another few days. If I don't get it, I will try Norfolk.
Got I-551 stamped

I got I-551 stamped today in Norfolk Va. Tried last 4 weeks to get appnt. in Washington DC but couldn't. The officer in Norfolk looked at the VA driver's license and let me go. Rest of it went without any issues/questions.