Does Children get GC before their parents?


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Mine and my family's cases were approved last week(10/18). I checked AVM today again to make sure it is not fluke. To my surprize my daughter's Card was ordered yesterday without stamping. We didn't receive our papers yet. Is this the way it works for under 10/18 year children.

I have one more question regarding birth certificate. My lawer asked me to send Original Birth certificates when we applied for I-485. Will INS send those originals back to us?

Thanks in advance.
You might want to send notarized copies

You might want to send attested/certified/notarized copies instead of originals, especially things like birth certificate, degree certificate, etc. Affidavits in the absence of birth certificates I think could/should be sent in original.

If youv'e already sent originals of birth certificate, etc, you might want to check back with your attorney and IIO.

Looks like that is the case with children. I received my son's Green card with our approval notices...
Thanks sonunigam0203,gcwait0902

We already sent our birth certificates to INS last year. I will call INS tomorrow to find out.

Thanks again.