Does change in Last Update date trigger an email


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The last update date (in the BCIS website) was changed to 5/4/2004 for my son and I. However I haven't received an email. Is this normal?
Moreover the last update date for my wife and daughter haven't changed.
last updated means, date change was due to internal processing.

The online message changes when notifications are sent out.
Originally posted by ekurian
The last update date (in the BCIS website) was changed to 5/4/2004 for my son and I. However I haven't received an email. Is this normal?
Moreover the last update date for my wife and daughter haven't changed.

It depends on the settings. The defualt is to send mail. Please verify ur email address and in case if it is hotmail, very good chance that all mails go to the junk mail folder.
I had my yahoo email on it. If it has gone to the Bulk mail folder, then I've lost it.
Well atleast we know that our file hopefully is getting some fresh air.
Not quite correct

If the status changes you get an e-mail.

You *do not* get an e-mail if the last updated date changes without a status change.
My FP receipt info status changes almost every day. The last update date as well as "your FP info was received on <date>" status message. I dont get an email for each change...the settings are perfect..I checked it like some 100 times.