Does calling an IIO slow down your case?


Registered Users (C)
Got a question folks.. actually a few:

1. Does calling an IIO delay the processing of 485 application?
2. Does checking the AVM often delay the processing?
3. Does checking the online status often delay the processing?

My personal feeling is, it should not. But want to have your input guys.

Appreciate your responses.
Disclaimer - This is my personal opinion and not an actual fact

Question 1. Does calling an IIO delay the processing of 485 application.

It should not delay processing unless the person answering the phone has other responsibilities besides answering the phone. If the person answering the phone also works on 485 applications, then calling him would delay his work. This might reflect negatively on your application.

Question 2 & 3. Does checking the AVM and online status delay processing.

It should not delay processing. Their time would be better spent working on real cases instead of tracking the number of times a guy checks his status. My reasoning is that it is meant for customer service and your anxiety should not be an issue for them.

But then i could be wrong, they might have a real reason to track the number of times a person calls up.
calling an IIO....

I have an interesting experience to share.
My RD is 8/10/2001 ND 9/19/2001
I was expecting couple of RFEs as company got sold and issues with immunizations (wife pregnant) etc. I read postings that Aug/Sep'01 RD's got approved. I called IIO on Oct 13th. He told me that they are processing April'01 cases and it will be a few months before my case will even be touched. He suggested I should give 3 more months of time. However, four days later, INS sent RFEs for both me and my wife's cases. Awaiting the details of RFEs. I AM NOT SUGGESTING THAT IF YOU CALL IIO, YOUR CASE WILL BE TAKEN UP. I just feel that at INS, right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.
Called up INS again

Whatever folks!! I could not resist and called up NSC again today. RD 08/15/01. This time got a lady to answer my call and she said the case is with an officer. I asked her if she could suggest how long would it normally take for an officer to take a decision after he receives the case and the answer was 'too hard to tell'. Well, waiting is the best I can do..
called INS first time

What was the reply you got to the earlier call ? Just curious to know . I called INS today for the first time and a nice lady answered my call. She was patience enough to answer my questions and said that the file is within the officer and I should hear something within 2 to 3 weeks from today. Hope the waiting is coming to an end .........

Koinahi - The response I got earlier when I called two weeks back was the same thing "The file is with an officer and you will hear the decision shortly". That is what gave me a hope that I will get my approval in two to three weeks.. Don't know how long can that "short" really can be. I hope I will get my approval sometime this week or next.

BTW when is your RD and where are you from. Thanks.
Thanks for your reply,
My details are
RD 06/01 : ND 7/01 :
RFE response received by INS 25th Sept 2002.
Awaiting Approval.
I just called now to chk the status of my case rd 08/01/2001. The office says they are processing July 2001 cases. SHe said I might take 4 to 6 weeks to assign to the officer and 4 to 6 weeks to get approval. Total I'm lookin 3 to 4 months. I see many approvals after my rd 08/01/2001. I even see some Oct 2001 cases approved. Can any one shed light........

i called iio three weeks before she said the case is with the officer and it would get cleared in a week or to. last week again i called the iio she said the case is still pending and it would take a month. i am still waiting.......................................
calling IIO

My I-485 files on RD:JULY'19 2001. INS Received RFE on OCT'8,2002.

I called weekly once from that time. INS Officer told that my case is assigned to an officer on Nov'1st. Yesterday I called again and they told the same message. I donot know how long this LAZY OFFICER takes?

Does any one have any idea about contacting congress man or senator? Is there any use of contacting them?

Diiferent ffedbacks from IIO's

Called INS last week .. got reply that file is with officer
Called again this week and got a tough IIO saying:

Moreover he asked me my address and said they are processing June cases and so take at least 3 mths from now.

Strange .. scary and very natural of INS as learnt from posts!!

One of my collegue was told he has an RFE when he called but AVM and Online are not updated yet.

So hope u get a nice officer next time !!