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Does anyone knows why application for DV2010 doesn t work???


Registered Users (C)
Does anyone knows why application for DV2010 doesn t work???
The web page is www.dvlottery.state.gov
When You start aplication or use Photo Validator it doesn t work.
Does anybody knows what to do because there are only 2 days left for DV2010???

First of all, the registration is open until December 1 (not November 1), so you have more than 1 month to complete your registration.

As for the photo validator, are you using Firefox, by any chance? There have been a few technical problems with that browser, so your best bet would be to give it a try with Internet Explorer. (I just tried it out myself and did not encounter any problems with IE.)
It might be because of the type of browser you are using. Either try with a different browser or try the SSL entry.
Yes I made mistake December is deadline.
I am from Croatia,I used 3 different browsers and neither one is working.
You can not submit application or use photo validator.I really do not know what is the problem.If this problem doesn t solve what You suggest to do?