Does anyone know that when H1 rule changed to work after receipt date?


Registered Users (C)

In year 2000, rules was changed and H1-transfer applicate is able to work, after H1-transfer applied and get EAC number. Does anyone know what month it was or what law it was. Why I am asking this is:

I started working with company X from April 2000 after I got receipt date, but I was given pay stubs from May 2000. My H1b of Company x was approved on aug 2000. Now when I asked a letter from him that I worked with him from april 2000, but he was telling that he can give only from aug 2000 and not from april 2000. so I want to show him, that I can get paid, after I got receipt number. due to this my documentation will suffer, since I have paystubs from May 2000 and employer letter shows the Aug 2000. I need to send the paperwork to USCIS from Company X that I worked from April 2000 to oct 2000.

If he gives from April 2000, after receipt date, did he get any problem?
When I was on H1 I changed jobs in April 2001. I started my new job within a few days of the receipt date. And I got the pay stubs and everything (employment verification letter etc..) starting indicating the exact start date at the new firm. I am sure there is some information on USCIS website that you can show your employer to convince him. Good luck.