Does anyone have personal experience travelling on AP to/fro NY-Bombay ??


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I am planning to travel on AP to Bombay, India from NY. Did anyone use AP to travel between these cities? The reason I am asking is, will the immigration officials at Bombay be able to recognise AP and what it stands for? What will the procedure be when I return back to NY ? Can any problems be anticipated ?

Can somebody who has used AP, please guide me.

Thanks in advance.
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Shouldn\'t be a problem. I have done it and they know what a parole paper is. They infact took the Parole paper without the photo (will also take a photocopy for that matter).
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Thanks for the info.
How was the experience in NY or whatever your port of entry was? Were you asked to produce any other documents other than passport and AP ? Did they ask for EAD or employment letter etc.

I have heard that they take you to a different room to process your AP. Is that true ?
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AP is a standard document for travel there are no complications either were you board the plane or leave the plane. At the port of entry in NY they will see you AP and ask you to go to a different place where you give your AP and wait for your turn to be called they will look at your AP and stamp you pp as an applicant paraloed pending AOS, I did that several times the most they asked me was my visiting card to see if I am still working for the same company.

At Bombay they sometimes ask for additional id. like your EAD and Drivers Licence it would be helpful if you keep them with you.

Hope this helps
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You are taken to a different room and interviewed by a officer. He will ask you how you got the Parole, what your earlier visa status was and of course they will check all this info on your passport and give u a i-94 with no final date on it. If travelling with any dependents they may ask you/them questions about your relationship etc. But it is not as if they are tough on you, it is just that they sound quite thorough
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I travelled on AP and returned to DC from NY but it was a very straightforward stuff. No questions asked at all. They took us to different room where most of the waiters had AP/ New family visas. Everything went smoothly and I was out in about 25 minutes.

Hope this helps.
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I used my AP last year in Madras and even though the officer recognized the document he started saying that it was not valid and insinuated for a bribe. I sort of raised my voice and insisted that it was a valid advanced parole document. He changed his mind and let me go!! Not to say that you\'d experience this but I think this officer just tried to see if I\'d cough up some cash.
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Thanks everybody for sharing your experience. It\'s really useful.

Just one more concern: How many of you were asked to show the EAD card while travelling on AP?
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Nobody asked me for EAD. Actually it\'s very clearly written on EAD that it is not a reentry permit or citizenship card whereas your AP clearly states that it\'s to re enter US. So don\'t worry. As far as you have your AP Doc nobody can create any problems. As far as at the Indian airports, you need to be confident and if they create any problems tell them to read AP Doc carefully.
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While on the discussion, a couple of questions for the contributors:

1). I have two copies of the AP from VSC. Are both to be treated as original?

2). Should I keep photocopies with me and hand those over to the Indian immigration officials/airline personnel when asked for, or should I hand over one of the ones that I got from VSC?

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Here are the answers to ur questions :-

1. Yes, both are originals
2. Indian immigration officials do not need anything, nor does any airline staff. If required they can see the originals and return the same to you, under any circumstances dont hand over the originals to either indian immgration officials or airline personnel.

It is meant for US POE only where bassed on your AP they will accept or reject your entry in US.

Hope this helps.
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Very useful info. Few more details, I have AP and still not got EAD. If I use AP for travel, will my H1 be valid. Knowledgable people, please share the info.
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If you have valid H1 it depends how long it\'s valid ? if it\'s expiring in near future and you take a trip overseas, it\'s better to use AP than your H1 status as you will get I94 based on what you use ! In casse of AP you will be allowed to stay in US till decision is taken on your I485, but for H1 it\'s till the date H1 is valid. Let me know if it is clear ?