Does anybody get stuck after successful interview???


New Member
Hello All,

I and my wife had successful interviews on September 26. Many of our friends had interviews around same date and most of them have already received their letter for Oath ceremony.

I have two questions:

1. If by chance letter gets misplaced in mail, what will be the result? Is there any other way we can come to know about the oath date?
2. Has anybody’s case got stuck after successful interview?

I will appreciate any responses….

Not unless the background check is pending or there is some complication in the application that stops the immigration officer from making a final decision.
You can call the National Service Center to check. If you oath is being in the court, call your U.S. District Court to find out. When calling ask to speak the Clerk of the Court.


NSC phone #

Could someone please tell me the phone # to find the case status?

when you say "successful" what exactly do you mean? What does your n652 say? Recommended for approval or Decision cannot be made?
Can you also tell us what is said on your N652? The name of the officer who interviewed should also be on there. Try contacting him/her
They will not give you any information. They will say you have to through Info Pass.

NewlyMinted said:
Here is the number for the National Service Center: 1-800-375-5283.

Good luck,
