Documents sent July 18/2008, and not notice..


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I got married on january 8 and i sent my documents on june 18/2008 and on june 23/2008 my lawyer told that he received a letter with my receipt # (and he didn't gave me that letter or the receipt #) .. after that i havent receive anything.. and i've been waiting for 89 days ... they havent send me the fingerprint letter or my work permitt?... I called the Immigration department and they told me that they don't find anybody with my name in the system .. but i dont have a receipt number to ask for my status .......hat should i do ????
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I did ...

I checked with my lawyer and he keep telling me to call him tomorrow... i've been like this for 2 months ... and he doesn't want to give me my copies... what should i do???
I checked with my lawyer and he keep telling me to call him tomorrow... i've been like this for 2 months ... and he doesn't want to give me my copies... what should i do???

This sounds very odd. :eek:
Your lawyer should not be giving you the run around like this. You should visit his/her office in person and demand they give you the physical receipt.
Please fire your lawyer. His performance is unacceptable. Your lawyer should be the one who called immigration office. He should be the one doing the work and following up your case. I'm angry at your lawyer for not doing his job.

Anyway, this is abnormal for your case. You should have received a FP notice by now.

Also, if possible, let your lawyer know that he's not doing a good job or else, he probably wouldn't know.

ps. I fired my lawyer because he was slow and inefficient like this too. I did all the paper work by myself in 2 days. Save my husband and I $2300.
I don't know what to do..

Thanks for all ur answers... i went to his office and he told me that he gonna give me my work permitt on friday because i have 90 days waiting... but.. do this work like this?... i tough i have to take my fingerprint first ... I'm pregnant 6 months and i just wish to take my baby on march to my country so my family can see him .. but if this continue like this i know what i wont be able to do that ....
Thanks for all ur answers... i went to his office and he told me that he gonna give me my work permitt on friday because i have 90 days waiting... but.. do this work like this?... i tough i have to take my fingerprint first ... I'm pregnant 6 months and i just wish to take my baby on march to my country so my family can see him .. but if this continue like this i know what i wont be able to do that ....

Your lawyer can't just "give" you your work permit. It has to come from USCIS. And I don't see how they could have sent the work permit to him if you haven't even gone for your FP's yet.

What kind of paperwork did you sign with your lawyer? It definitely sounds odd - almost like he just took your money and never filed anything. Or at least didn't file it when he told you he did.

Demand that you get the copies of the notices that he received back from USCIS that have your receipt numbers!
This is an emergency...!!

I called them right now again ... telling them what u told me... that how is posible to get my work permitt without having my FP done... And they just tell me .. we call u ... we call u ... And when i go to the office they tell me that my document's copy are not there .. that they have it in another office ...I don't know what else to do .. can i send another lawyer to pick up my documents telling them that im gonna sue them????.... so they can give me my copies???
I went to his office and he told me that he gonna give me my work permitt on friday because i have 90 days waiting... but.. do this work like this?... i tough i have to take my fingerprint first

He is full of sh*t - if you haven't had your fingerprints taken there is no way you can get your work permit. The "best" thing he can do (since your 90 d have passed) is go do some huffing and puffing at USCIS to get their act together (but it sounds like the lawyer is the one not having his act together.

edit: too late, should have hit refresh before I posted.

Lia, I would keep nagging them as long as it takes to surrender the notices to you (the originals), and then drop them like a hot tamale. Unfortunately the lawyer you have is not worth the air he is breathing.... It might be an option to find another lawyer to go after this one to get the notices and have your cases transferred the new lawyer.
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Wow... if u guys knew how sad i am right now .. i think they didn't send anything that's why they don't want to answer my calls... i think i'll have to do all over again...
They took your money and never filed nothing is what my intuition tells me... Get your husband involved, the police involved, the lawyer's bar association involved.
That's what im gonna do ... and im gonna look for my papers.. if they don't give me my papers on friday im gonna call the police....
So.. I already sent all my papers the only thing that is missing is the affidavit ... i wonder if they haven't sent me a letter for the fingerprint .. can i go by myself if i have 90 days waiting????....
So.. I already sent all my papers the only thing that is missing is the affidavit ... i wonder if they haven't sent me a letter for the fingerprint .. can i go by myself if i have 90 days waiting????....

What do you mean - you already sent your papers and the only thing missing is the affidavit? You sent them to the lawyer, or you sent them to USCIS or what?

If you don't have your FP appt letter, I don't think you can get the FP's done. With the letter you can sometimes get them done early, but without the letter at all I don't think you can go in.

And you have only been waiting for the number of days that USCIS has had your file - not how long it's been since your lawyer "said they filed". Do you know if they actually filed? If so - when exactly did they file and do you have your receipts?