Documents required for Green Card Stamping at Chicago INS?


Registered Users (C)
I would appreciate if anyone can tell me what documents are required for Green Card stamping.

Also, anyone knows where in Chicago can one get photos for stmaping? Any experiences with Chicago INS?
some thoughts

Documents required are clearly specified in your approval notice.
1. Approval notice (original or courtesy)
2. Passport
3. Last I94
4. Two photos
5. all EAD & AP, originals, if any.
For photos, there is walgreens just opposite INS office ($7.99 for 2 copies). You can get it while u are waiting in line or even after u get token number.
good luck.
Thanks CM S! I appreciate the info.- specially about photos in Walgreens.

Thanks CM S! I appreciate the info.- specially about photos in Walgreens.