Documents proving Nonavailability of Birth Certificate. Is it must

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if you dont have Birth Certificate, you have to have the non availability certificate
What happens if you have the birth Cert. frm the Authority but without the name

for which you prepare the Affidavit frm Parents.Under this circumstanses do u think we still need Cert. of Nonavailability.
If you have BC without name you do not need Nonavailability Cert

Affidavits and X class certificate will suffice
Did you have Non Avail. Did they give you hard time on that

Please tell me if you know anybody who got GC without Nonavailability certificate
Is there a specific format for the Birth Certificate???

As all of you know Birth Certificates from different places in India are quite different in format etc. Is there a specific format that the US Counsulate looks for? Also, I was born in an Army Hospital, and although I have the official Birth Certificate from them, the paper is more than 25 years old and doesn\'t photocopy well. I am part of the new NVC process where documents need to be sent to them for verification before they forward the case to the relevant counsulate. Some people say, though it is still not confirmed, that the NVC would require us to file originals (I am not sure if I would want to do that and risk losing the originals). Any suggestions as to what I should do would be appreciated. Also, when they ask for certified copies, is it okay to get them notarized here in the US or do they have to be atteseted by someone in India. I know there are multiple questions in this but I would welcome any help.
Rohtak It is better to get notorised in USA. If NVC requires Original Doc. Send

that only. However I am not aware of any such reg.
I got my Birth Certificate made in India.

Guys you all are great
Keep it up. I will relate to you after my Feb 4 inter Thanks
U can get multiple originals

specially from an Army Hospital..even otherwise Municiapl corporations have the provision of giving mutiple sets of originals..
by marking it as copy , 2 etc...
also if by certified copies, u mean Affidavits, they can be from either india or US...if in case u\'ve send the origianls to NVC. check it up with NVC and Attorney..notarised copy should be equally acceptable..k...Good Luck Rohtak..