Documents needed for stamping


Registered Users (C)
   I received my approval letter on last friday and my wife received it today. I am planning to go for stamping on thursday to Dallas INS local office. The approval letter says we need the following documents:

1> Approval notice,
2> Arrival/Departure Record,
3> Form I-94,
4> Passport, and
5> Two ADIT style color photos

I wonder what is Arrival/Departure record? It was mentioned different than I-94. Also, Do I have to carry EAD cards?

documents for PP stamping

I-94 is the arrival/departure record.

Please take all EADs and APs (if any).
My experience has shown that it is advisable to have a birth certificate handy.

Approval notice
2 ADIT photos
then you need to sign and index finger print

the IIO did not ask for EAD/ AP.

hope this help.
I-94 form

Hi, when you go for stamping, do you need to turn in all I-94 forms or just the most recent one? Do they (does it) need to be original? Thanks
reply !

When I did stamping (Monday), I gave all the I94s I had to the officer. She even didn\'t take a look. I also turned in all the EADs(including practical training card) and APs although they were listed in the approval letter. All these are not useful any more.

Good luck !

Stamped this morning

Thanks for all your reply. I went to INS in Atlanta this morning for passport stamping. I arrived around 11:00am and walked out at 11: 30am. The officer did asked me to turn in all I-94, EAD and AP, through the last two items are not listed on the approval notice.
For Passport Stamping do you need the I-485 courtsey copy or original that came to lawyer?

For Passport Stamping do you need the I-485 courtsey copy or original that came to lawyer?