Documentation of ETA750


New Member
My friends,

I want to file LC through RIR by myself. I was told that I can run the job advertisement for a few times in 3-4 months without having my employer involved in real employment effort. But the item21 of ETA750 asks to describe efforts to recruit u.s. workers and results. Can you guys kindly tell me how to present it? Or I just say there is no qualified candidates and we interviewed nobody?

The second thing is that I have to apply for level-1 because my salary is not high enough for level-2. But I do have a master degree. So could there be any problem if I apply I-140 through EB(2)?

Goog luck to all

That is FRAUD arnt you ashamed of your self? each and every ppl like
you should be DEPRTED and BARRED to be able to leave the COUNTRY ppl
like you r disgrace to ur nation ...false expreince false degrees
false job leters and you come to US and RUIN every other Honest Immigrants Lives ... MAY GOD Curse you to Hell and you may repent or
else you will be tangled in the arms of SATAN and get depressed and
DEPORTED as a Criminal Fraud back to your country

Are you Frustrated with Life? you pervert !

I just have one term for you " Perverted Ass****"
Do you know of a Mental Hospital close to where you stay?
If so please admit ur self ....sooner the better,the society can do better without you.(just kiddin!)

Help if you can if not keep your stinking mouth shut.

It is unfair for you to gauge people without knowing them,hope no body does that to you ,We have all come to this country to make a career and life not fight over stupid issues.