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document processing


Registered Users (C)
I am a 2008 DV lottery winner with a case number of EU10000+. I received the first letter on May 11th and sent the filled forms back on May 23th through FedEx. I called KCC a week later and they told me that they have received my documents and told me to call back after 6 to 8 weeks to check if everything is ok. I called 6 weeks, then 8 weeks and 10 weeks after that date. On all of my inquieries the KCC officer told me that my documents are still being processed and they can't give me more information than that. Only on the second call (8 weeks after) the officer told me that my documents are in the final stage of processing.
I am not well acquainted with how KCC works, nor I know someone who is. But I am slighly worried about the fact that my documents are still not processed 2 weeks after the initial time period, for which they told me they'll be. I followed all of the instruction, while filling out the forms and did not leave any blank fields. The only thing for which I have some worries are the final questions of forms DS-230 part II - "Have you been denied access to the US at port of entry" and "Have you been assisted in filling out this form". I crossed the squares for "No' but below it is written "If yes please provide details". I am not sure whether I wrote N/A to those lines.
Do you know if this delay by the KCC is normal? What does it mean "your documents are in the final stage of processing"? Does it mean that they have been reviewed and they consider everything to be ok with them? Do you think that if I have not written N/A to "If Yes please provide details" could be a problem? This line is not a separate question, but is an addition to a question, which I have answered by crossing the square "No".
Yes this is normal processing, you don't need to worry. Your case number is not low, you have to wait for 2nd letter. You will receive it after your case no will be current. Good luck..
Does this mean that the forms will get finally processed right after my number becomes current? Before that they probably just review them to see if everything is filled out correctlt and there are no blank fields. Last time they told me to call after Aug 20th because after that date they'll have more info for Dv2008 in general.
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I think you don't neet to worry about blank fields..You have to worry about important mistakes on your whole applications. Let's say you have childs and you forgot to mention them on the original entry, or you made a mistake with your country when you were inserting it on the original entry. If you don't have these kind of mistakes no reason to worry, if there are a blank fields (not date of birth etc) they will ask you about them during your interveiw. After 15th August they will publish bulletin for DV 2008, they mean that..
Thanks a lot. What I have heard about blanks is that they return the documents to the sender to correct the missing info. But I have not made any of the mistakes you mentioned above. By this moment I hope that they have al least reviewed my forms and since the KCC officers did not tell me for any existing problem with them, I should consider everything to be OK.