Do you think I can get an L1?


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I am a UK accountant currently working on in the caribbean, where my contract is due to expire this November, however will probably stay here until mid 2007 (or whenever I can potentially move to the States!). My firm is an independent firm which is a member of a group of accountancy firms, with offices throughout the states. My boss has already told me he will get me a job in one of these other firms. I have heard of other accountants moving to the states on an L1 visa, but to a firm with the same name as the one they were moving from. (Such as the Big 4 like KPMG) Do you think my potential new employer will be able to apply for an L1 visa?
And if so, do employers normally prefer to apply for an L1 visa rather than a H1 visa?
I ask because I can only live in the States on an L1 visa, so that may husband may work….
Any extra help you could give me would be much appreciated.
If your firm has any of the following relationships - parent, subsidiary, branch, or affiliate, to the US firm then you can be transferred on an L1B visa.

Also, you should have worked continuously for a year outside of the US (in the same firm, of course) to be eligible.

Firm name is irrelevant as long as your lawyers can prove through documentation that the 2 firms share a legal relationship. Since L1 visas are filed through lawyers, they will be able to tell you whether your firm meets the criteria.