Do you need help aplying for asylum?

Asylees who really need help should consult an immigration lawyer, a good immigration lawyer, not just any laywer.

It seems that you and your husband are not immigration lawyer, or not even paralegal. I'm not sure this is an appropriate forum for people like you to peddle your service.

This is a foum for people to share their experiences. Just because you have go through the process doesn't mean you are competent in assisting other people to do it. I have been granted asylum and I have received my GC, but I don't think I'm qualified to assist other asylum seekers competently. But that's what you are offering - for a fee.

People should be careful of this type of pitches. I'm wary of anyone who want to make money by addressing fellow asylees as "brothers and sisters."
Just wanted to let you know that my husband is a lawyer by the way and I'm a doctor. Therefore, we have enough money and don't make any money from asylees. We're just helping those who need help and you seem not to need any, and it's best for you to not make assumptions from nowhere. Obviously most asylees don't have that kind of money that lawyers ask for unless if you sell drugs on the side like you. You seem not to think before you reply. Please don't reply with your idiotic attitude. You sound like you fell from the plane or boat.

Peace out,
Noma said:
Just wanted to let you know that my husband is a lawyer by the way and I'm a doctor. Therefore, we have enough money and don't make any money from asylees. We're just helping those who need help and you seem not to need any, and it's best for you to not make assumptions from nowhere. Obviously most asylees don't have that kind of money that lawyers ask for unless if you sell drugs on the side like you. You seem not to think before you reply. Please don't reply with your idiotic attitude. You sound like you fell from the plane or boat.

Peace out,

That's very nice of you. Were are you located?
Noma said:
Just wanted to let you know that my husband is a lawyer by the way and I'm a doctor. Therefore, we have enough money and don't make any money from asylees. We're just helping those who need help and you seem not to need any, and it's best for you to not make assumptions from nowhere. Obviously most asylees don't have that kind of money that lawyers ask for unless if you sell drugs on the side like you. You seem not to think before you reply. Please don't reply with your idiotic attitude. You sound like you fell from the plane or boat.

Peace out,

Noma why have you edited your original post? With on the board we would have been able to adjudicate between you and your critic regarding who is right or wrong, but since you have deleted the post I simple support your critic's position.....
faysal said:
Noma why have you edited your original post? With on the board we would have been able to adjudicate between you and your critic regarding who is right or wrong, but since you have deleted the post I simple support your critic's position.....
Her first post, before the edit, gave the impression that they were offering their services for a fee, but there was no mention of a "fee"; the wording just implied that. And in it there was no mention of her husband being a lawyer either, so there should not be surprise that she received a first reply like that.
if you want to volunteer your time by helping asylees, contact your local community organizations providing such services; they can always use volunteers. if you need some extra cash, (because obviously, your husband is either not a lawyer at all, or he has such a poor track record that it has impacted his client load) this is not a place from which to solicit business........
annaraka said:
if you want to volunteer your time by helping asylees, contact your local community organizations providing such services; they can always use volunteers. if you need some extra cash, (because obviously, your husband is either not a lawyer at all, or he has such a poor track record that it has impacted his client load) this is not a place from which to solicit business........
Hey guys,

I have read her first post, and I never got the impression that she was asking for a fee. She just said that her husband has been doing this for a long time, and if somebody needed help. I think we should give her/them the benefit of the doubt. I think we are being rude here, especially when somebody is just trying to help. If you don't need their help (or think they are asking for a fee when they shouldn't), you can just ignore their post and not take their services. Annarka, although I have quoted you, I don't mean this to be directed to you. I'm posting this for everybody who replied negatively to Noma's post.
MTGrl, I did ignore her post which is why I did not reply until her first post was deleted and only then I said what my "impresion" was of her first post. If she had not deleted her post and others not questioned what the first post was, I would not have posted on this thread at all. You got a different impresion than pvlaca and I did, but it was not by any means clear whether she asked for a fee for their services or not which is why it was open to misunderstanding. Yes, pvlaca's reply to her post may have been a bit harsh but that is also proof how much her intial post was not clear. But since two people got the impression that she was soliciting/spamming with her post, that only shows her wording was not as clear as it could have been to not lead to misunderstandings. For example she said she and her husband went through this which to me implied they are using their experiences as their source of knowledge, which is also what pvlaca got from her post. But in her second post I learn that her husband is a lawyer.

When she says how lawyers ask a lot of money but how she and her husband can help, 1) saying that does not give the impression that her husband was a lawyer (she could have clarified that in her first post) , 2) it is not clear whether they are asking for a fee or no; it just says "lawyers ask lots of money but we can help". Many many internet sites advertise "we can HELP you get a green card", but they are not doing the "help" for free, so there is no way one could have known from her first post that she was doing this for free. And if someone is offering something free, they usually mention it as in "it will be free of charge".... Anyway, like I said I only posted MY impression of her post ONLY after her first post was deleted.

Plus, MTGrl, since it was only pvlaca and I who spoke "negatively" about her, I want to clarify that saying what my impression was from her first post is not me disbelieving what she says in her second post. The fact that I got the impression that I did from her first post was ONLY because of her wording being a bit vague and open to misunderstanding. So instead of realizing this and understanding why pvlaca became skeptical, she instead insulted by calling pvlaca a drugdealer, who "fell of the boat/plane" etc. If somebody writes something that is so open to misunderstanding, instead of being personally insulted by it , they can instead politely clarify the misunderstanding and rest their case.
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clotty said:
MTGrl, I did ignore her post which is why I did not reply until her first post was deleted and only then I said what my "impresion" was of her first post. If she had not deleted her post and others not questioned what the first post was, I would not have posted on this thread at all. You got a different impresion than pvlaca and I did, but it was not by any means clear whether she asked for a fee for their services or not which is why it was open to misunderstanding. Yes, pvlaca's reply to her post may have been a bit harsh but that is also proof how much her intial post was not clear. But since two people got the impression that she was soliciting/spamming with her post, that only shows her wording was not as clear as it could have been to not lead to misunderstandings. For example she said she and her husband went through this which to me implied they are using their experiences as their source of knowledge, which is also what pvlaca got from her post. But in her second post I learn that her husband is a lawyer.

When she says how lawyers ask a lot of money but how she and her husband can help, 1) saying that does not give the impression that her husband was a lawyer (she could have clarified that in her first post) , 2) it is not clear whether they are asking for a fee or no; it just says "lawyers ask lots of money but we can help". Many many internet sites advertise "we can HELP you get a green card", but they are not doing the "help" for free, so there is no way one could have known from her first post that she was doing this for free. And if someone is offering something free, they usually mention it as in "it will be free of charge".... Anyway, like I said I only posted MY impression of her post ONLY after her first post was deleted.

Clotty, I understand what you are saying. All I am trying to say is since there were all of uncertainties (even in your second post, a lot of ifs and maybes), I mean a lot of unknown facts, we should just give them the benefit of the doubt and not assume (or conclude) that they were soliciting or spamming. I thought saying things like "obviously, your husband is either not a lawyer at all, or he has such a poor track record that it has impacted his client load" was going to far.

Anyway, even if they were soliciting for a business, I don't see anything wrong with it. This is a forum where there are a lot of members and if Noma and her husband can help some, even with a fee, and if the customer is satisified with their services, I don't think there is anything wrong with it (as long as both parties are satisfied.) It's up to us (each member) to decide if we need their services or not. There is nothing wrong with them offering their services (fee or no fee)! Anyway, I am sure some will not agree with me but hey, this is ONLY my opinion.
I don't care that she was spamming either (if she was indeed spamming that is) which is why I did not bother to reply before. I did not put a judgement on her like "how dare you solicite this forum?". I only gave what my impression was which was that since her first post had so many blank spots in it no wonder that it was misunderstood by some. But she later clarified herself so I guess it is clear now, and I am sure those who want her help will PM her and whatnot.
clotty said:
I don't care that she was spamming either (if she was indeed spamming that is) which is why I did not bother to reply before. I did not put a judgement on her like "how dare you solicite this forum?". I only gave what my impression was which was that since her first post had so many blank spots in it no wonder that it was misunderstood by some. But she later clarified herself so I guess it is clear now, and I am sure those who want her help will PM her and whatnot.
We are on the same page :)
it has come to my attention, in the last few years, that people (especially uninformed immigrants) have fallen for these catchy phrases like "i can help" more than enough. if you interact with immigrants as much as i do (this had also been my job) you would know that people have been seriously damaged, or their status irreperably damaged by these self proclaimed immigration specialists; and there are many. people think that just because they went through the process themselves, they are experienced enough to fill out someone's application, and get some cash; but they are unable to deal with the entire process in most cases, and cannot see a case through succesfully; therefore, abandoning or damaging one's case.
people should be aware and more selective of those who say that they can help, and genuinely mean it!!!!!! and it is clear from the title that she was solicting clients.
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annaraka said:
it has come to my attention, in the last few years, that people (especially uninformed immigrants) have fallen for these catchy phrases like "i can help" more than enough. if you interact with immigrants as much as i do (this had also been my job) you would know that people have been seriously damaged, or their status irreperably damaged by these self proclaimed immigration specialists; and there are many. people think that just because they went through the process themselves, they are experienced enough to fill out someone's application, and get some cash; but they are unable to deal with the entire process in most cases, and cannot see a case through succesfully; therefore, abandoning or damaging one's case.
people should be aware and more selective of those who say that they can help, and genuinely mean it!!!!!! and it is clear from the title that she was solicting clients.

I agree. 'Helping with asylum' does not mean just to fill out the asylum application. The person, who takes such a responsibility for another person's well-being, undertakes a very serious, legally complex and time consuming project that can stretch for several years. And yes, it does and should cost money. I have seen a lot of those 'helpers' in the court, they didn't know what they were doing and put people who entrusted them in great danger.
I was one of the first people in reading the first posting... When I read it... I had the imppresion that the service was "with a small fee"...
I ignored the posting since I know how complex and time consuming is to file and do all the papaer work for an asylum case... I wont trust anybody to do this job unless an immigration attorney... yes it is expensive,,, but it is worth it every dollar...
Maybe her intentions were good... but she was asking for a fee... thats for sure... and that is spaming...
I posted the first reply to mainly warn off any person who reads her post and is interested.

I stand by my interpretation of her deleted post. First, if she and her husband wanted to help for free, she would have worded very differently. She would have said "my husband and I are willing to offer free service during our spare time" or something like that.

Instead, she talked about laywers charging a lot, implying that it would be cheaper to go with them. And the wording of "brothers and sisters" are quite sales pitch-like, therefore sickening.

Even if her husband is a lawyer, for which we have no proof, it doesn't mean that he's qualified immediately to help. Would you go to a estate lawyer for immigration issues?