Do you have to have a valid passport from the home country to apply for citizenship?


Registered Users (C)
My passport will be expiring in a year and I will be getting ready to apply for my citizenship. In the case of a green card, I had to ensure I had a valid passport to have it stampped.

When applying for citizenship, do they require you to have a valid passport?

THank you
Having a valid passport is always useful (in case of emergency, travel for work, etc.) What would be a reason for not having to renew one's passport?
e17345 said:
My passport will be expiring in a year and I will be getting ready to apply for my citizenship. In the case of a green card, I had to ensure I had a valid passport to have it stampped.

When applying for citizenship, do they require you to have a valid passport?

THank you

I'm not 100% sure but I believe you don't need to have an unexpired passport for N-400 process.
the reason for not having a renewed passport is that i would have to go home to do it...and i am afraid to do it for social reasons...

i requested to have it done through my embassy in D.C. and it has been 9 months since hte application....
No, you don't have to have an unexpired passport for citizenship. I became a citizen last October, and my passport had expired in 1998. I had to show it for proof of travel dates that I had listed in my N-400, but there is no requirement to keep an overseas passport current.