Do you get a new physical green card if you get the 24 month extension on filing an N-400?


New Member
I have been reading about the new 24 month green card extension that is automatically applied if you file an N-400.
With the extension applied, do you actually get a new physical green card?
If so, how long might this take to be received?
If not, how can you use the green card when traveling? i.e. when checking into an airline flight to the US you often need to enter the green card number and expiration date, but if you don't get a new physical card, doesn't that present problems when entering a date or presenting the card physically at an airline check-in desk when doing a document check?
No, you do not get a new card. The N-400 receipt serves as a 24-month extension letter, meaning the N-400 receipt plus the expired green card equals a valid green card until 24 months after the green card expired, for all purposes, including working and entering the US. You can use the date of 24 months after the green card expiry as the "document expiration date". This is similar to how I-90 and I-751 receipts also serve as extension letters that can be used in combination with expired green cards for a certain number of months. If your green card is close to or past 24 months after expiration, you can always get an I-551 stamp, as continued proof of permanent residency, and continue getting them indefinitely as long as your N-400 is pending. Before the N-400 receipt started serving as an extension letter, people with pending N-400 could also get I-551 stamps if their green cards expire while their N-400 was pending.