Do we see a pattern here?

Good observation bill, someone had earlier talked to an IIO, and pointed out on this board that EAD renewals and 485 apps are being given to the same officer. Weird huh?
My EAD will expire tomorrow . SO If i get an approval tomorrow which would be great!!! then you have a point there. ;)
Hi All,
I think that might be a very good observation. In fact my EAD was about to get expired on Feb 18th and I got my approval on Feb 12th.

Propably the theory is true
I spoke with IIO today, she said I should expect for my I-485 approval in April. May EAD will expire also in April. What will be first?
In that case my EAD already expired and I am working on iEAD... How can we explain this?

This new theory of "EAD-I485 connection" verifies another theory as to why my I-485 has not been approved,, well I never applied for EAD so seems like I will never get my I-485 approved...
Originally posted by papoo1234
This new theory of "EAD-I485 connection" verifies another theory as to why my I-485 has not been approved,, well I never applied for EAD so seems like I will never get my I-485 approved...

papoo1234, make voluntary donation to INS. :p
EAD connection! Here is my 2c worth...

Right now CSC is processing Nov 2001 ND cases. People who filed for EADs along with their I-485s got their EADs in app. Feb 2002 ('cause it took 3 months app to get EADs). Obviously most of them will expire in Feb 2003 as EAD is issued for 1 year term. Apart from that I don't see any EAD, I-485 connection!

By the way my EAD expired in Dec 2002 thought! :)

- PCee
PCee ur prolly right. My ead expires in may 2003, dang it .. I don't wanna wait till then, but u nevah know !! :)
PCee, My ND is Sept2001 and My EAD expired in dec2002

I dont know if they are processing NOv2001 or Everything after Aug2001ND

junior, I think it is all cases on or before Nov 2001. But u also gotta consider that based on your exact fp location, your times could be different.

I didn't know the FP location has an effect on the 485 processing.
I have done my FP in Reno. is it good or bad? I mean how does it effect the 485?

Junior, this is my guess, based on scanner results.

I've seen that anyone who did FP in beginning 2001 is still waiting, and everyone who did FP in mid 2001 is approved. I mean, the difference is STARK. I am talking 99% of cases.

And the difference in FP times, is largely governed by where you did your FP. For example, San jose people did it in may'ish. And practically all of them are approved, where as LA people did it in January'ish, and practically all of them are waiting.
So does it imply that within 02-04x INS processes cases based on when it got the FP results back from the FBI?
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What SM said is true on my case.

WAC 02-046-5xxxx
FP: Jan 4, 2001

Officier assigned my case said FBI finger print is passed, no problem. INS asked my attorney to call back in 10 days.

Just take a deep breath and wait.