Do we need 2nd stamping after 1 yr?? Gurus please advise!!


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My GC stamping in the passport is expiring this month, still waiting for plastic I need to get the stamping again to continue working? When I called USCIS last month, they said they will find out what is happening to my plastic card. I also filed form G-731V more than 2 months ago to enquire about plastic card as there was address change after 6 months of stamping, but no respone from USCIS. Any ideas and advise on what to do?


I had asked the same question to the officer when I had my stamping done...

YEs, U do need to get UR passport Stamped...U can go a few days before the year ends...
Originally posted by LayedOff_GC_Guy
My GC stamping in the passport is expiring this month, still waiting for plastic I need to get the stamping again to continue working? When I called USCIS last month, they said they will find out what is happening to my plastic card. I also filed form G-731V more than 2 months ago to enquire about plastic card as there was address change after 6 months of stamping, but no respone from USCIS. Any ideas and advise on what to do?


i would go atleast a month before expiration .
i know a case here it has been almost three years and he has to go for stamping everyyear not that same thing will happen to you . i am sure you will get your card soon.
Do I need to pay the fee again? or just go and get the stamping? When I called the USCIS office, they said I don't need to pay fee again..but just wanted to confirm..
