Do not Waste your time by INFO PASS


Registered Users (C)
Today I went to my appointment in Baltimore with infopass. It took only 3 minutes. I approached to boot and indicated that Rd 2001 and still waiting and would like help. The answer was: " your case is pending with VSC there is nothing we can do". So if you are making an appointment to get help for your pending 485 that is not the way.
Hope save you some time.
izmr said:
Today I went to my appointment in Baltimore with infopass. It took only 3 minutes. I approached to boot and indicated that Rd 2001 and still waiting and would like help. The answer was: " your case is pending with VSC there is nothing we can do". So if you are making an appointment to get help for your pending 485 that is not the way.
Hope save you some time.
izmr: What's the INFO PASS? Thanks. ic

Thought as much. But thanks for sharing your experience. Last week I scheduled an appt. for this Friday at Cherry Hill office to check on the status. Being a contractor myself, I hated to take half a day off from work. But you saved me :) I guess I will not go...
bunchofquestion, I am happy to help and also I am a contractor myself aswell,
so I know the pain very well
what if you case is pending at the local office(waiting for interview date at the washington dc office). Would it help to go there?? Did any one go there for that reason or see anyone who was there for that reason? Anyone see if the information officers were giving a good hearing to people or was it still sorry we can help you or wait for a few months. Any info about the experience would be appreciated.