DO local Numbers


Registered Users (C)
Can anyone shed some light on the best way to obtain a Local DO Phone number. I need the number for Cleveland Ohio.

Info you requested

Can anyone shed some light on the best way to obtain a Local DO Phone number. I need the number for Cleveland Ohio.


I hope this will serve your purpose.

Cleveland District Office
Anthony J. Celebreeze Federal Bldg. 1240 E. 9th Street, Rm. 1917
Cleveland, OH 44199
8:OOA - 4:OOP (Mon, Tue, Thur & Fri) (closed Wed)
District Director: Mark Hansen
Phone: 216-522-4766
Fax: 216-522-7039
E-mail: inquiry.cle@usdoj.gos
The Cleveland phone number is Disconnected; maybe they were not able to handle the high volume of calls and changed their number to an unlisted one...:mad:
The Washington, DC office number is out of service. If you can provide the update, I'd appreciate it.
Des Moines DO phone number

help me on getting a number for the des moines DO please!!

Great List - thanks.
(319) 364-3280 Cedar Rapids office, for Iowa
Seems to be THE ONLY PHONE NUMBER LISTED FOR IOWA OFFICE. You could call there and get the number for Des Moines office etc.