Do EB1-OR/NIW petitions need to work 6 months for current employer aftter GC approval


Registered Users (C)
Some people said it is better to stay with current employer for about 6 months or more after GC approval. I noticed that it was for the sponsored petitions. How about non-sponsor type such as EB1-OR/NIW type applications? Since there is no sponsor involved, do they still need to keep working for current employer for 6 months? :confused:

Your opinions are highly appreciated!
After Green Card for NIW/eb-1 case

One of my teamworkers switched his job (from biology to computer industry) after one month when he got his green card (NIW case) five years ago. He just became an American citizen without any problems.

Good to know that your friend had no problems. Hope everyone who are in similar boat or will be in similar boat in future will not have problems.

It was just a thumb rule based on probably someone's bad experience, the individual involved has to make a decision about it based on the various inputs. If the specific individual involved things his case is clean and will not have problems of any kind, then (s)he should go ahead and follow his/er gut feeling. If (s)he is not very comfortable for whatever reason or problems faced earlier then do as you think is right after considering all the information.

I guess the general rule was put forth by lot of folks more out of the feeling that it is safer to stay and go than go immediately, but it is not a hard-and-fast rule and obviously is not a guarantee either. Anybody could get into issues with USCIS given the ways they operate. We can only make things in our control to be clean like birth certificate, marriage certificate, no DUIs, no arrests of any kind and trust the process and make all our documentations and processes we go through are very clean.

My $0.02.
depends whether its NIW (National Interest Waiver) - in which case it is a self-petitioned case and no employment requirements apply.

for OR (Outstanding Researcher), usual employment requirements/guidelines (and specifically working in one's area) apply...

if it is NIW, the lawyers should be able to confirm that the first instance applies.
In 5 years the rules might change so much that you will never know for sure what matters and what doesn't matter! Anyway, I think it is a good idea to stay with the sponsor for at least 6 months.
Depends on whether is is NIW or OR, as explained above, if it is NIW there is no restriction. For OR you will need to stay in the same field, but you probably can change jobs.