Do anyone have pharm-technician licence in california?


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      I have applied for FPGEE almost 10 months back and waiting for ATT frustratingly.Mean while i want to work as a pharm technician to escape from this boring life .i applied for the licence .But they are asking to send Documents stating number of hours i studied in college and want it to send directly from my college.But my college don\'t issue that kind of certificate.What should i do?

  If any of u experienced the same situation please reply.

I appreciate ur reply.
we too having same problem

Hello JPGreencard,
   We are in the same situation too. My wife is having EAD and she applied for FPGEE 5 months back. We thought of trying technician license in california and sent the application. We got a letter saying that they need work hours to be included in the transcripts. Apparently Andhra university doesn\'t issue that kind of transcripts. She is trying with her friends in India to format a document which contains hours,marks and get it signed by University administration. But she is having tough time to get it done. We are still trying to do this. Let me know what you are planning.

Ashok Javvaji
No Title


     Good to hear from u.I too from A.U.Did ur wife send the transcript directly from india first time?Because i sent transcripts myself from here.When did u apply?I applied 3 weeks back.I \'m trying to talk with board people by phone.

U can e-mail me at

Pharmacy Technician

Hi I was wondering if anybody is a technician in Oregon and if it is pretty easy out there???....On the same lines what abt california, I have a Masters degree (Pharmacy) from A US university...will that be helpful..the reason i am askin is because all my orginal transcripts are with FPGEC, do u think they (Oregon or California Boards) would accept my Masters Degree??

Thanks in Advance

hello Ashok

I am also from A.U.I applied for fpgee and waiting for ATT.In the meanwhile i want to try for pharm.technician license in california,so can u mail me some info regarding the procedure to
No Title

I\'m just curious to know why you are willing to work as a technician when you have MS in Pharmacy. Is it tough to get a job with the industry ? What did you do MS in ?
As to the tech license in Oregon, I made inquiries about a year ago, and having BS in Pharmacy is enough for you to get a license. They even sent me application materials right away.
MS. Pharmacy

Thanks for ur insights guys......the reason i am jumpin into a tech Job is simply brcause i dont wanna get into least not now....and secondly the pay sux for a Masters Student in the industry...I had applied for the FPGEE in Dec and heve\'ny heard from that and i will be graduating next month, so i think it would be a good idea to start off as a tech until i get the ATT or take the exam....i heard from a bunch of people that actual workin in the pharmacy itself would help with the exam......Thanks for the Info....
and wish u all the best

Pharm tech earn around $7-$10

Who says industry pays less then pharm technician. Technician pays way less then MS in Pharmaceutics or Industrial pharmacy. By the way, are you doing MS in USA? I never heard any major MS in Pharmacy in US university. Now a days its getting difficult to get a job even if you do MS in USA.
good u decided to work as a tech

My Q is do u have a work status to work as a pharmacy technician and how did you get it.

well will be graduating in a mnth and once i graduate i would have an OPT permit (Optional Practcal Traning) for a period of 1 year....And as for u Habib, there are 48 Uni\'s offering their Masters Program in Parmacy ranging from Pharmaceutics to Neuropharmacology...i am graduating with a degree in the latter.....and BTW please do read my email.....i did not compare an actual job as a tech with one in th Industry, but rather a pharmacist with a job in research/Industry ....and FYI Pharmacists make much more than people in the Industry....especially with a Masters Degree....

No Title


You must have done some market research....
So what do MS or PhD in Pharmacy usually make when they work in the industry ? Do you only want to practise pharmacy because of better pay, or it\'s because the jobs with industry are harder to come by ?

No Title


Its a combination of both....but again my choice was restricted to the fact that i have a Masters degree....If it is a PhD its a total different ball game especially recently....with NIH dedicating a huge portion of their budget. But typically with a Masters degree the starting pay is between 20 - 40 k a year and a PhD gets abt 40 - 60 k starts. Since i had an undergraduate degree in Pharmacy and i always wanted to get into the clinical aspect of Medicine, i was gonna give it a shot....+ the money of course !!!...I hope that answers ur question :)...BTW where r u located and do u have an M.S degree too??

No Title


Thanks for replying.
I live in DC metropolitan area. I have BS in Pharmacy and planning to take FPGEE. Waiting for ATT no... for >1 year now :(
I was considering doing MS in Pharmacy too, but in this area there is no university with courses I am interested in.

I had no idea starting pay for MS holders was so low...
NIH jobs usually require citizenship, don\'t they ? Do you live in this area too ?
No Title

I am in Montana. and yes NIH jobs do require citizenship...but Post Docs and fellows (at NIH) need not be citizens...r u contemplating to be a tech for a while....and BTW where u from?
