DL renewal experience


Registered Users (C)

Last night I went to the local DMV office here in Mercer county, NJ to renew my license. Someone in this forum mentioned that if we show our I-485 receipt as opposed to AP/EAD we get the license renewed for full-term (4 years). That worked in my case as well. The lady at the counter didn't even bother to go through everything properly. She had a quick glance and asked me to show my passport. She didn't look at I-94/Parollee stamp, just the front page. Boom, I got it renewed for 4 years. Just sharing my expereince. I was hoping the same luck would happen for my I-485 as well. But nothing changed online/AVM. Same old, same old story and the wait continues....

Thanks for sharing your DL renewal experience. Let what other people say, but this will be very useful for me, because my DL is going to expire in Mar of next year and I have to renew it. Did you show them your original I-485 receipt or copy of the receipt? Because, I just have the copy with me, my lawyer has the original.

my DL exp.

When I went there last month in NJ, I took all the informative docuemtns including EAD. I was worried about the 6 point program as it does not make 6 points if your I-94 is expired and you are using EAD. However, I showed my Helth insuance card, ATM card, Old license, PSE&G bill, and the lady said she has enough proof (if you count that does not make 6 points thought) so she doesn't want my passport (although I offered as I had that). THat's it, my DL is renewd for 4 yrs!

One suggestion, don't go to Wayne, NJ office, the wait is too long, better go to the mercer county one. THe people are polite, line is short, and work is faster.

I agree with you. Mercer county was good. From start to finish it took about 40 mins. Wednesdays they work until 7:30 PM.


You need to carry all the originals. They don't accept photocopies. In case you don't have 485 receipt notice, take alternatives such as passport etc.

Moderator, Please collect this garbage 11amshantanub and throw him in the dumpster.

Happy holidays guys...

:D :D :D

As far as the 6 points documents I can get originals of address proof, credit card bills, electricity bills, SSN card. But to get a 4 year renewal, I guess I need to show them the I-485 original receipt which I don't have, in fact I don't have originals of any GC related receipts/documents except AP receipt. Do you think they will still give me a 4 year DL extension with copies.

PS: I have all the receipts from my attorney with a red-stamp which says "Copy".

This did not work for me at Trenton regional DMV

I went with copies of I-485 and they refused to accept it. Then I took the pain of getting the originals I-485 receipt from the lawyer. I went again today and they looked at all the papers including my passport and said the DL will be extended upto my current H1 expiration date till June, 04. I have decided to wait because I have my DL valid till 04/30 and I have applied for my 2nd EAD which hopefully be approved in next two months and will be valid till 02/05. Atleast with the 2nd EAD they will extend the DL till 02/05.

NOT GOOD, all these government agencies suck!!

Wayne Sucks

Did you guys had Temporary INS Worker status on your license?
If you have that then they will put expiry date as date on I-94(validity date).
I got GC recently but I don't have the plastic card yet. I went to Wayne on 31st around 11am. I didn't get problem with 6 points but as I have Temporary INS Worker status on my license, they told me to come early morning and there were people waiting in cold since 7am. Though I have GC, I have to go through INS checking again to remove that status.
I am not sure whether it is ok to go to other Regional offices as for last 2 times I did everything from Wayne. I fear that If I go to any other office, they might send me back to Wayne as I got that status from that office. Not sure about this stuff.
No I do not have any "Temporary Work Status" written on my DL. I got my NJ DL almost four years back when things were so simple and straight forward. Because of the 9/11, they started all these checks and legal people like us have to suffer.

Anyway, what can I say beggers have no choices.

I don't know why you guys need to show i-485, ead, ap, passport etc.ctc.

I renewed my DL last week. My DL will expire on 5th Jan so I got a reminder and I applied online and I received my new DL withing 5 days. I am in MA.

Fortunately, you are in one of those states where they allow DL renewal online.

and Unfortunately, you are in a state where they allow people to board a plane and hit WTC and they make people from other states to suffer.

Take this as a joke please!!

Hi All,

My Drivers License is expiring this month end as my EAD is also expiring this month. Unfortunately I am in NJ. I am yet to get my new EAD. So I would like to make use of 485 receipt notice. But I have one issue. I am in NJ temporarily. So the address in 485 receipt is my permanent address in MD. Will that be an issue? Please advice. If that is OK, I too would go to Mercer county.

Please Don't mention Wayne!. Had to stand in line last year for 6 hours in real cold weather.

Thanks guys
I went to Trenton regional center (Mercer County) on 01/02, they did not accept my renewal request even with the I-485 original receipt. Try your luck and please post your experience if it works.

i recently moved to nj
i have valid out of state licence(MD)(valid for another 5 years)
insurance company ask me to get my NJ licence within 60 days
i just got my permit in NJ
it says it is valid up to april
i just need to do the vision test to get my NJ licence
still i don't know whether i need to get my nj licence
still i'm thinking of surrendering my MD licence because it valid upto 5 years

please post your views in this regard
thanks for your help in advavnce

As I mentioned in one of my previous postings, my license is expiring this month and I am waiting to get my EAD extended before I go to one of the regional offices to extend my driving license. I am suprised to see that yours got renewed for 4 years with 485 receipt notice(I am glad to see that at least one of us is relieved of one of our worries).

I had gone to the local office in my place ie. Jersey City and they asked me to go one of the regional offices. The smell of not having a green card, you are out of there. They find some enjoyment in seeing you going back empty handed.

You had mentioned that you went to Mercer county. Could you be more specific about the office you went to? Is it the Trenton office? That is the only regional office in Mercer county, I suppose.
