Divorce while pending I485


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Guys, help me out here. I am in the process of divorcing my wife (might be over next month) and will be marrying someone else in July 01. I\'m from India EB2 with ND 11/2000. How can I include my would-be wife in my I-485?
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Ask this question at some one who has done this before. I am still trying to digest your question, you are too fast man. what I can advice you is to slow down and think about it 100 times before doing something like that.
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Hi, best,
It is a wonderful idea that if someone want to get marry with a young and pretty girl, he should try hard to apply a GC. But it is really not a good idea for you first wife, her I485 will be denied except she also get marry with an American.
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I think, you should stick with your present wife. After all, Divorce is not consider good in Indian culture.
Forget about it and try to patch-up with your wife...
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To the best of my knowledge, as long as you submit an I-485 for your would-be wife before your case gets approved, she will still receive her GC along with you. You will need to file her as "derivative beneficiary" for the 485 process. However, once your petition is approved, she is no longer permitted to adjust to permanent residence on employment based categories - she will have to then file under the family based categories (which is a much longer process)!!!

Of course, all this is under the assumption that you are the "principal beneficiary" and your would-be wife would be the "derivative beneficiary"

Talk to a lawyer on this and good luck with your GC!
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INS is a great example of the love-hate relationship. we are not leaving the country to show our hatred, so it is with desi marriage, IMHO. It takes time, understanding, patience, tolerance etc...keep woking on it like you do for education, career etc. she is a relatively new person in your life and has come a long way, so give in a little; a second chance is a good thing to consider. Please don\'t think I am sitting in a high pedestal and giving crap. I too have had close calls in marriage ... but never divorce, if a kid is involved it just makes things worse.

To help you here tell us your "actual situatuion" and let your fellow 485 sufffers tell you what they would do if they where in your shoes. Divorce is not a solution, understanding and mutual respect is ... just as a excercise to reevaluate your thoughts and perceptions from a different point of view.

Take the good in America, is Liz Tylor happy after so many marriages, it is just a perception thing of "dream marriage with Aishwarya" but will she cook, clean and all that our desi mind would expect... accept things as they are with imperfections. Madhuri Dixit in CA is not dancing to "Didi tera Dewar Deewana.." or running around trees. Time to say "hello world" to Reality.
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You can substitute in I-485 with new one. But after FP, this is going to be tough call. If INS is not going to update fast enough with your info, that is going to be a chance.
Especially with some june approvals comming in. Your chances of approving is faster.

Just my one cent opinion.

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Seems fraud GC.

Seems Like you are just try to Help two women to get their GC.
But INS will never find out. Once you file GC for second wife
you can divorce her also and find third women who needs GC.

It\'s a free country.
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First thing first, if you are REALLY getting divorce, get it first, unless you get divorce, you can\'t even think of other issues.
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also man u can practice polygamy as some states allow it and you know certain religions too. I guess one of the questions to fill on the G-325A i.e the Biographic Information form is "Do you want to practice polygamy", I guess you can say yes, and send an ammended G325A to INS, that way you could help n number of souls, so marry one now, dont divorce her, then the second and so on and by the time your 485 is approved you could have 10 wifes and GC\'s for all of them. So in short with VSC\'s pace and at your pace, I bet u can get married 10 times and then receive ur green card