Division Sold Can I work with EAD for new employer?


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My company sold my division to another company. New employer will hire me based on my Labor Certificate title.

Can I work with EAD immediately and file change of employment with INS.?

My application is pending from October and I dont see them processing it before 180 days.

Question: Can I start working with new employer with EAD. Please help!!!
You can...but there is a catch.....

The catch is that if INS finishes the processing within said 180 days then you are in trouble.
One the bright side you can switch jobs even after 2 months into 485 under he assumption that INS is anyway going to take atleast 180+ days to process and if they do...then evrything is fine.

I am not an expert please take info at your risk. COntact your lawyer for best solution.

Good Luck.
oracle1996 is right. Check out Yahoo groups

I was inquiring about this last month. All websites and attorneys that I know confirmed it but I came across a great source that gave me more confidence. Its a Yahoo group called "180days". Sign up for it and you can view all the success stories. Good luck!
How do one sign up and where?

How do one sign up and where? Pleasr iemail the info. thanks.
You could try emailing to 180days-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

I went through Yahoo search and landed up in the right page. I could not find that page again today but the above address should work.