

Registered Users (C)
I am a new member to this forum and aghast and ashamed by the racist postings I see here. I was initially very appreciative of the forum with the wealth of useful information posted by its members, but I see a clear confirmation of the saying "an idle mind is a devil's workshop".
I used to be proud of our background and heritage and used to tell my American friends that the conflict between Pakistan and India is more politically motivated and individual people from both the countries look forward for a friendly and mutually beneficial relationship. I have a lot of Pakistani friends whom I trust and vice versa.
During the first few days I entered this forum, my assessment of this forum was that most of the posts are associated with some problem or the other in the GC process. These are not a clear reflection of what the general trend is in those specific situations and I realized not to get worried by certain posts with problems in their process. The same stands true for such racist postings, which seem to be posted by individuals with fanatic thought patterns. After you all become citizens of the US, will you still continue to hate individuals from the other religion/country?
Whatever it is, my humble request to all members is to please refrain from such non-immigration posts. All of us regardless of our origin are on this forum for a single objective, which is immigration into the US. Let us help each other in this journey and pray that 2003 brings happiness to all of us.
patientsh, you are another PatienceGC,

I have exactly same thought like you.
I have Pakistani friends, who really are helpful and understanding. And as we discuss issues among us-
The common understanding is that cause of this hate between the two countries is more politically driven.

For their own advantage, political parties in both countries want to keep dragging people into all these problems.

If Pakistan is to blame for all the problems, Indian Govt is also not doing any good to the people of India.
May be your paki friends are two-faced

May be your paki friends are two-faced.
How can you make conclusion after talking to just few people? Are you insane? One can make such conculsions only after speaking with a mob. NYTimes, many a times conducted interview in Lahore, Islamabad with these pakis. People were talking only anti-indian things about kashmir, previous wars etc. They hate us so much. You cannot imagine how they hate us.
Many women said that they are ready to give their kids for Jihad and they would be happy only if they see indian blood. They want us to die. I am not making this stuff. It was a NYTimes article.

So guys, don't judge people by their faces and their talk.