discussion on pending / resumed message of avm


Registered Users (C)
This is a good discussion

Sangli in Your case it was an avm glitch whereas from the sound of it I think it is question of interpretation that is important
the avm generally moves like this
3 months back process was as follows
person gets fp on day 1
avm on day 15 says \'fp collected and pending review\'
avm on day 45 say \'process resumed\'
now it is
person gets fp on day 1
avm on day 10 says \'fp ....pending review\'
avm on day 15 says \'fp.....process resumed\'
and people call IIO and IIO says information is still pending from
I feel that it is not possible for FBI/CIA/AGENCY/Local authorities to respond so quickly and that what we are interpreting that \'resumed\' means that Your investigation reports are over and that the case is adjudication ready is an incorrect interpretation
what I feel is that there is still a few steps more for the case to be \'adjudication ready\' and that this is not reflected in avm but is known only if you call IIO
However by calling INS regularly the IIO cannot speed up your case, the IIO can only tell you your status and it is important that You call the IIO only if your case is delayed very very much
At this time I would call for cases before April 01 2001
My 2 cents
Hope other people add to this discussion
rsrgc "AVM Message not correct - Talked to IIO" 2/5/02 4:46pm
tend to agree with you... AVM getting weirder

FD done 01/29 @ SJ (was scheduled for 02/23 @ OAK)
AVM changed today to "On Feb 1 your FP was received and Processing has Resumed...".
AVM never changed to "pending review...".

Seems weird to me ... I\'m tending towards not relying on the AVM for future ... if there is any
you are correct.,

That is what happened in my case. Even though the AVM said "On Dec 29th....", my further calls to IIO resulted in

Call 1 : We are awaiting FBI results.....

Call 2 : We have received the FBI results on Jan 31st.

But in the meantime my AVM was still the famous "On Dec 29th". When I asked the IIO who seems very seasoned campaigner, told me that the AVM is not the final. There are further processing which we do and verify the FBI results. If the FBI results are clear & good, and if the file is \'Adjudication ready\', then it will be assigned to an officer. Once assigned to an officer, the AVM does not get updated.

If the officer takes more than a day, then IIO can tell whether the case is assigned. If the officer takes the case on a given day and approves on the same day, then the IIO will not be able to tell you whether the case is assigned.

In my case, I called on Monday afternoon and I was told the case is not assigned, but the AVM got updated that night to \'This case was approved...".

Thats my 2 cents...