Have you wondered why many of us put a disclaimer after responding to a thread - most common being - "I am not a lawyer ...etc..etc...".
Is there really a need to put down a disclaimer. Of course people are free to write that and I do respect individual decisions, however, I believe every person who is visiting this board and asking questions are really asking for "opinions" and not legal advise. If this assumptions is true, readers are asking questions and reading answers at their own risk - then why bother to invoke the "uncertainty principle" and write down a line of disclaimer? And if someone is asking for legal advise, then they better pay for the service - otherwise the advises may not be legally valid.
Life is really too short. So I believe in minimising worries to the least possible and enjoying every moment.
I hope a lawyer with knowledge in this field, reads this thread and lets us know the legal implication of writing a disclaimer and not writing a disclaimer.

Is there really a need to put down a disclaimer. Of course people are free to write that and I do respect individual decisions, however, I believe every person who is visiting this board and asking questions are really asking for "opinions" and not legal advise. If this assumptions is true, readers are asking questions and reading answers at their own risk - then why bother to invoke the "uncertainty principle" and write down a line of disclaimer? And if someone is asking for legal advise, then they better pay for the service - otherwise the advises may not be legally valid.
Life is really too short. So I believe in minimising worries to the least possible and enjoying every moment.
I hope a lawyer with knowledge in this field, reads this thread and lets us know the legal implication of writing a disclaimer and not writing a disclaimer.