Different Responses for same Inquiry


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I have made an inquiry for my case through NCSC, two senators, one congressman. But I have different answers from all of them.

Ans1 - Mar 29, 2004 - from NCSC -
Your inquiry status is, "File is assigned to adjudicating officer".

Ans2 - April 02, 2004 - from Senator1
Your file is with officer

Ans3 - April 23, 2004 - from Senator2
Your file went to examiner on April 19, 2004. If you do not get answer in 30 days then call us again.

Ans4 - April 27,2004 - From Congressman1
Your file went to examiner on April 21, 2004. They would get back to you in 10 to 14 days.

Ans5- April 30,2004 - From Senator1
Your file went to examiner and they are asking 15 to 20 days to process.

I have talked to an expert attorney. He said, it is waste of time and money to go through attorney, rather contact local senator/congressman.

I have faxed and wrote letter to TSC office.

I have faxed and wrote letter to TSC Director Evelyn Upchurch.

Question 1. Which answer should I believe?
Question 2. Why the answer is differeing if the same officer/examiner is answering the same question?
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Originally posted by longGC
I have made an inquiry for my case through NCSC, two senators, one congressman. But I have different answers from all of them.

Ans1 - Mar 29, 2004 - from NCSC -
Your inquiry status is, "File is assigned to adjudicating officer".

Ans2 - April 02, 2004 - from Senator1
Your file is with officer

Ans3 - April 23, 2004 - from Senator2
Your file went to examiner on April 19, 2004. If you do not get answer in 30 days then call us again.

Ans4 - April 27,2004 - From Congressman1
Your file went to examiner on April 21, 2004. They would get back to you in 10 to 14 days.

Ans5- April 30,2004 - From Senator1
Your file went to examiner and they are asking 15 to 20 days to process.

I have talked to an expert attorney. He said, it is waste of time and money to go through attorney, rather contact local senator/congressman.

I have faxed and wrote letter to TSC office.

I have faxed and wrote letter to TSC Director Evelyn Upchurch.

Question 1. Which answer should I believe?
Believe all and none.

Question 2. Why the answer is differeing if the same officer/examiner is answering the same question?

You probabaly need to average the dates to have one date that your case was sent to one examiner. Sometimes we just don't tell date so accurate.

Just my 2 cents

All of their answers are essentially the same: your case has been assigned to an officer and it takes 2-4 weeks to get results back.

I don't think they can give you precise dates. I understand your feelings at this stage of the game and please don't worry too much. Sit tight and wait for the good news. Best luck!
My heart says you would be approved soon.......... most SP-Reg ppl found themself in similar situaion........

don't worry just pray everything will be alright.......

Good Luck
Keep up your positive attitude. you have almost reached the end of the tunnel.

Thanks to all. I understand that I have to take slowly. But let me tell you something,

1. Only after I started contacting Senators my file was assigned to officer. If I had not initiated that activity, probably I would be just waiting.

2. Only after I made follow up with different senators I saw some progress. Earlier they told me to wait 30 days but now that they see that the 30 days are almost over, they tell me to wait for 10 to 14 days. I am sure, after 14 days they will not have any excuse and may ask an explanation from officer.

Had I not followed up with Senators on a regular basis, the officer would not act on the file at all.

After 10 days, I will follow up again. I just hope that the officer won't screw up my case. Will he/she?
longGC, I guess when you get approved we all will celebrate, yours has been the toughest case we have seen so far and sometimes luck plays dirty games . Anyway, seems like you are a good person and nothing bad will happen to you, our best wishes are with you and hope you get your approval soon!!Hang in there till then!!
Hang tight -- I agree with others -- it is getting closer.
I think you have done the right thing contacting the Sentors -- I think this will ensure that you are not forgotten.
I think you have been as proactive as possible, and if I was in your situation, I probably would have pulled all the hair out of my head by this time. I don't think any of us can give you any advice that you haven't tried already. You know more than than the majority of us on what to do in a case like yours. We can only offer moral support at this point.

Hang in there, keep badgering those sons of bitches! It sounds like your light is at the end of the tunnel.
I spoke to one lawyer who asked me $1000 and he would let me know exactly what is going on with my case. This lawyer tells me that there are many databases the officer has to look into for security checks. That is why it takes time. BS and more BS......

I spoke to another good lawyer. According to him, going through lawyer is a waste of money and time.

Hi longGC

Your lawyer already gave you the answer: The security checks for male applicants is much more intense than those for females, this also according to my lawyer.

Do not waste your money, you should receive an answer shortly.