Different reply from 2 calls


Registered Users (C)
A month ago, I was told by NSC officer file was assigned to an offcer. Now I was told it was waiting to be assigned. Any one experience this?

RD Aug 2001:eek:
bubba...hate to burst your bubble...they are that way. they are good at fabricating stories. don't take heart what they tell you. hang in there. :D
I have the same experience.
One and half month ago, I was told that my case was assigned to an officer in Jan after they received my response of RFE. However when I called again last week, l was told that my case has not been with any officer yet. She also mentioned they are working on the backlog.
My best hope is that the previously assigned officer is not working in approving 485 cases now. So INS return my case back to pipeline, and waiting for other officer to pick up. That also explains why my case went with an officer for so long time and still not approved.

RD: Sep, ND Oct, RFE Dec waiting....
I got excatly the same reply, 2 months back they said my case was assigned and it will take another month.
Wen I called 1 month later they said case not assigned and it could take 3-6 months.

myRD AUG 01

IIO's are a bunch of mf&%#$
contact NCS pl help

what number are u guys using to call the NSC? I have been trying the 402-323-7830 but no use... It's always busy during office hours
that's the right number. keep trying repeatedly. I called yesterday. It took me almost a long time to get through. I think I redialed 30-40 times before getting a dial tone.
