Difference between "Pending review" and "resumed"


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Can some one please explain the difference in reality between ‘pending review’ and ‘processing resumed’ after FP. I would greatly appreciate if you can post your experience on this.

If you have waited long enough pending review probably means your FP was rejected and NSC does not nother to tell you, well that is what happened to me. FBI rejected my FP in last Dec but I just found out recently. Check with FBI about your results. Good luck.
I think it depends on the case...

My AVM was always and still is 'Pending Review'. It DOES not at all necessaryly mean your FP was rejected. I called NSC and my fp looks good and my case was assigned to an officer. The officer mentioned that the AVM is not always updated. I will suggest you to call NSC and check your FP status. Because FBI keeps only 90 day history of FP's done. So if you have taken FP more than 3 months ago, FBI can not tell your status. (I am not making this up. I called FBI myself few days ago to check my fp. And the FBI officer told me that they can not find my details in their database as my fp was done in last Dec.)

Thanks for your reply. In my case, after my FP for a long time NSC haven’t updated my info (AVM), so I called NSC couple of days back and talked to IIO officer and she was very kind enough to take a look at my case and told me that all papers are in place and they will assign my case to a immigration officer in the order it was received.. after I talked to IIO my AVM got updated from ”on Jan 26 we mailed … for FP “ to “We received your FP on …. and processing has been resumed on your case” .
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I called the FBI a couple of weeks ago and the lady did say that they do not keep detailed files for 90 days older, but somehow she could tell the FP was rejected and she said the normal reason for rejection is unclear FP. That was the story.