Difference between EAD and Interim EAD.


Registered Users (C)
Since I receive iEAD will I still receive EAD that I applied for?
Are iEAD and EAD one and the same..
Thanks in advance
Not going to make any difference...

Normally they give iEAD for very short amount of time (any where between 3 to 6 months), some lucky ones get it for one year.

If you got iEAD for one year then the original one is not going to make any difference at all. But as far as I know, still you will get original one (I am not sure though! if you got it for one year).

- PCee
Can you please post your experience of getting iEAD at Santa Ana.

I am planning on going to Santa Ana for iEAD on 29th of Oct.
Can you please post your experience of iEAD at Santa Ana like what time did you reach there, was there a big line, behavior of officers,
document required etc.
Your input will be very helpful.
Experience at SAnta Ana.

I went at 5:30 am. There were 6 people ahead of me. Then slowly people started coming at 7:00 am when it opened there were about 60 people.
I happened to be 2nd person at the counter on 3rd floor. I forgot to take a copy of EAD receipt so the lady sent me to make a copy. Luckily the security guard told me where the copier was avaiable.Across the street.
Guard told me not to stand in the line again but wait till the Immigratrion officer calls me again. She did...
Make sure you take a copyt of I-765 filled.
Then she gave me token and sent me to 5th floor
There my number was called and I signed the form. After that I had to wait till 9:00am to get the photo taken and card made out.
On the whole it was plesant experience. But the lady making the cards was very slow and the only one doing. They were taking appts ahead of me
GOOD luck
Questions about Santa Ana INS Office

Hi Grams,

Can you please confirm the address for Santa Ana office for me?
Is it: 1666 N. MAIN ST., SUITE 100 - A SANTA ANA, CA 92701?
I am planning to go for iEAD at Santa Ana office.

I would also like to know, whether the INS Officer checks the
Receipt date and 90 days from RD math. Did you get your iEAD after
90 days from RD? Do you know anyone who has received iEAD before
90 days from iEAD?

Thanking you in anticipation.
