Diff. Birth Dates in Original Birth Cert and (PP and Academic Docs)


Registered Users (C)
I have a problem of having different birth dates in Original birth cert and (passport & all academic documents).
I have been writing the dob as in my passport until now everywhere.
What should i do. Should i present the original birth cert
along with affidavits from my parents that the dob in Birth Cert is wrong?? Will that do??

Any help in this regard is appreciated.

Your problem is more complicated than anyone can
comprehend on this forum.

When you have such major problems, you should not even
come to these forums. Approach an attorney.

These forums are meant, most of the time, to solve
minor and cosmetic problems and sharing information.

I am not an attorney nor social worker.
Use this information at your own risk.
I would correct the dates in the passoprt from the consulate. This is the first thing you have to do. You should be able to do it without any problem since you have the original BC.

I don't think that anything else matters at this point. It will be hard to correct the academic documents. It is very unlikely that INS will try to match the PP or 485 application's BC dates with the ones in your academic docos. If they do, then you just deal it with accordingly. Its going to be an RFE in the worst case scenario but you don't have a choice but to wait and see.

If you have a U.S degree, most likely it doesn't even display BC dates and even if does, you should be able to get it corrected.

The last, but the most important thing (not as important for getting ur 485 through though) is correcting dates in Social Security record, all your credit cards, all you security/stock accounts, bank accounts, etc.

Good luck

p.s. I don't agree with 5thYearNSC saying that big issues should not be asked/posted here. I think that an issue can be as big as you percieve it to be. It may sound a little too big to you but it may not actually be. It may sound like a simple thing but it can turn out to be a total disaster for an applicant who doesn't know what he is doing. I think that posting here may always help no matter how big you consider *BIG*.

I got too much time to kill today...
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