Did your Parents or In-laws enter USA on/after April 1st 2002?????????????


Registered Users (C)
Please share your experience; did they get 1-month stay or 6-month stay @ POE???

My In-laws are applying for B2 VISA in May at Chennai India US Consulate and plan to travel to US in June. I am concerned that some POE are allowing only 1-month stay (I-94) even though the VISA is for 6 months. Any Newyork/Newark POE exp?
Visitor visa in Mumbai was a breeze...so stop sweating over it

My mother got her first-time visa in Mumbai without any problem. In fact, my brother took my sponsorship letter, photocopies of my passport pages and my current status letter to a center in Andheri. Her stamped passport came with a courier the third day. It was a 10 year multiple.

She will be coming here in 2 weeks, that\'s when we will know the duration of her stay. Although they have been talking about stamping a 1 month stay, nothing is firm yet.
To Mikhail

What is the status letter? Can you please post what other documents you sent for getting your Mother\'s visa?
Pankaj Ph

pankaj, would you please let us know for how long your friend\'s parents are allowed to stay in US as a tourist? Also any member in this board whose in-laws or parents have arrived to US in the last week, please post for how long they are allowed to stay in US.

CNN report this afternoon said that INS will implement this
 policy from next week.
Dont Worry

The actual definition is as follows :

"Tourist and business visitors will be required to explain to immigration inspectors why they are coming to the United States so the INS can determine an appropriate length of stay. If the INS cannot determine the time needed to accomplish the purposes of the visit, it will grant a 30-day admission."

You can check the same at :

Lets hope for the best for all who are visting for family re-unions.

No Title

My Mother came last Thursday she got her I-94 valid for 6 months from that day. Actually her visa stamped on the passport is valid till 11th september\'2002 but she got I-94 throgh 3rd Oct2002.
6-month visa on 5th April - Entry JFK

Hi My parents came on 5th April from India and they got 6 months visa without any question.

I will update you about one of my friend\'s father coming on 17th.

His visit is second visit.I don\'t know how far is he going to stay here as my friend\'s mother was here since 3 or 4 months.

Later I will also update you about another friend\'s parents who are comning for the first time before May 15th.

Please keep patience.
I will make my comments but

I am not confident how effective this general comment board would be. Can anybody know better channels to express our opinions on the issue? How about write and sign a letter to INS Commissioner, or John Ashcroft, or President Bush to express our concerns?

Let\'s move quickly as there is only 1 month public opinion period. United we stand!