Did we ever work out if the order is "FP colletected pending review" then &quo


Registered Users (C)
Some people have :

"FP collected pending review"

others have

"FP .. processing on your case has resume"


Did we ever work out if you should go from the first to the
second message and then approval?

I know one person who had both messages, but it seems everyone
else seems to have one or the other.

Did anyone elses message change from the first THEN to
the second?
I\'ve the Second Message and it is the only message I heard.

I\'ve the Second Message and it is the only message I heard. But I usually don\'t check AVM everyday. \'... Further Processing Resumed...\'

should be after \'... Pending Review..\' Though but I don\'t see anyone who had both of them!!
FP collected pending review

         I still have "FP collected pending review" message for me and my wife. I have done my FP on 11/07/2001 at Tampa,FL. Probably it will change in 2-3 weeks. I pray God every day to help me get out of this slavery.

Don\'t worry too much

My friend got approved yesterday. He will post his details soon
on this notice board.

For him the message all along was "975 to 999 days..." and then
it changed to "This case has been approved on ...".

So don\'t worry. I see that CSC started approving cases with the
RD > 15th Apr.
Mine went from the first message to approval

FP collected, pending review etc on Nov 9th
This petition has been approved etc. on Nov 29th
Mine is FP collected and pending review

RD - July 30
ND - Spt 10
AP - Nov 19.
EAD - Nov 27.
FP schd - Dec 12
FP done - Dec 01(PHX)

AVM message - FP collected, pending review on Dec 6 th.

Hello ? Do you mean to Say 3 week after the Avm MESSAGE "pENDING rEVIEW" yOU GET THE APPRO

fOR ME avm "FP received on 16 th Nov & Pending Review "...so anytime now I should get the approval....

Not true

Do not get over-excited, the theory is not accurate, I did my FP on 10/09 and the AVM message was changed on 10/12 and guess what, I am still waiting for the Approval: