Did second physical exam for coming Interview and question?


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As I posted two weeks ago. We have a coming up interview at Los angeles office.

Along with the interview notice, they mailed us new physical exam forms. Since we did the physical exams last Feb. So we decided to go and did another one last week.

This time, the doctor gave us a Tabulicolosis(hope I spell it right) test. It was an injection under skin of the arm.

Unfortunately, we have positive reaction. The area turned red. :(

So, we were asked to do the X-ray, which turned out to be fine.

But the doctor wrote down the positive reaction results of the Tabulicolosis on the forms.

Did anyone have same experiences? Will this affect the approval?

Please let me know if you have any information. Thanks!!
Do not worry

Do not worry about the reddening of screen. It is very common in all Asians. All Asians get this reaction positive, since we are sensitised to Tuberculosis. But Chest X ray rules out this possibility. You are fine do not worry. Many of my friends have gone thr' this before.
Dont worry at all. Most asians have this positive and the skin test is not conclusive. As long as your X ray shows that ur are clean, you r OK. Even my skin test was positive and so is every person that I have known. No issues here, Enjoy and best of luck for the interview. :cool:
I actually told my doc to skip the TB test and do X-ray straight, it is the doctor's discreetion really, but he didn't skip it, and made me waste another few days waiting for the results.
Thanks for reply.

Yes. we are from Asia. My husband just asked his co-worker (an asian girl), she got it too.

We did the test last Thursday and today we spent another half day waiting in line for X-ray. We should do the X-ray directly last Thursday like Sillyman says.
passed skin test

my parents immigrated in 2001 and they had their skin turn red and did x-ray which was fine. on the other hand, my luck was such that by the time they got the GC I had "aged out" (over 21) and could not 'follow to join'.

Am pursuing GC thru employer and did medical nov 2002. my TB test did not cause skin to turn red :) and doc figured xray was not needed.

this is beacuse of BCG vaccines u get in asia. There r different stories about it but u can tell ur doc to go for Xray only and never go for skin test. Cause it might create a big hastle cause any positive test doctors will report to county health services and they might force u take unessary medicine with serious side affects. So best is go for Xray only chage ur doctor if he forces u for skin test or gives u medicine if u hv negative Xray and +ve skin test while u had BCG .
Hope the department of Health will leave us along. I don't want to take some medicine for the diease I don't even have.