Did PP Stamping in Atlanta


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For those who may find the following useful:

I had an appointment for myself for today (06/08) and my wife for tomorrow. We both went in together, and were able to get both our cases processed today itself. By the reaction of the person at the counter when I presented both appointment printouts, it seemed pretty standard that a family would be processed together, even though they may have different day/time on their infopass appointments. So my suggestion would be to go together and try your luck the same day.

For those who forget to take pictures with you, you can get pictures taken inside the building, in the same room where you give your index finger print and signature for the green card. I didn't check the cost, but if you are there without pictures, I guess price would be the last thing on your mind anyway.

The overall processing was uneventful, except for extremely slow processing when we were waiting for our ticket number to be called. However, once we were called, it was over in less than 10 minutes.

You might want to pay attention as the agent fills in your information on the I-551 form (they basically copy the information you fill in on I-89 worksheet), I caught a typo in one of the names and she corrected it when I pointed it out. Not to slam them, our names are usually unknown to them, so it doesn't hurt to pay a little attention and save the trouble of a typo on your green card.

We were told to expect our cards in 6-12 months.
We all glad that u shared some important points,

would u like to share about fields in that form they asked u to fill. ?

I am guesing,
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, date of birth. Address. what else?

and how were u able to catch the typo ?
Were u watching on his screen while he was typing in computer?
he shared and verified the info with u?


Good lUck
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PrinceofJungle said:
We all glad that u shared some important points,

would u like to share about fields in that form they asked u to fill. ?

I am guesing,
First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, date of birth. Address. what else?

>>>As far as I can remember, First name, last name, address, DOB, mother's first name, father's first name, destination city when you first arrived in the US (don't ask me what this means or why they need this), and A #

and how were u able to catch the typo ?
Were u watching on his screen while he was typing in computer?
he shared and verified the info with u?

>>> when you go up to the counter, they start taking stuff from you, EADs, I94, AP, pictures; Then they start filling up the I551 form, and the way the counter is set up, you are looking directly down on the form at the desk as they write. Its pretty easy to follow along.


Good lUck
I sound like the following situation

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                                 I-551 stamp counter
That's pretty close, although I don't recall any computers on the desk. Its all paper in the state-of-the-art USCIS district office.
Thanks for the info. What supporting documents they were asking, can you please run through the process, like documentation to carrry etc.,. Do we need to fill any forms when we go there ? how early you have to go there before your apppointment time....i am going in a week man, give me some heads up.
Thanks in adv
Documents to carry:

Infopass appointment notice
EAD cards
Original approval notice
Pictures (2 per applicant)

(they tell you about the docs on your approval notice, but do not include EADs and APs)


Be there inside the building 15 minutes before the appointment time, which means you should be exiting the highway about 25-30 minutes prior to your appointment. There are public parking decks/lots on Forsyth st. The one across the USCIS bldg (MLK bldg) is most convenient but costs $8. Its immediately to your left as you turn left on Forsyth from MLK drive. We used that one, but there are others that are cheaper.

As you walk through the main doors, you will go through the security check and then go to your left to the reception counter, there may or may not be a line. When you reach the counter, the person there will ask to see your appoitment notice and ID. He will then scribble something on your appt notice and give you I-89 worksheet. You will then proceed to room # 100 (to your left as you are facing the counter), and find a seat, fill in the worksheet and go to the desk in that room.

Here the person at the desk will take your signature, index finger print and give you back the documents to take back outside to the reception area to the same counter that initially processed you. Here, you will be given a ticket/token number and be asked to go to room # 111.

Inside this room there are 10 counters, and 4 electronic displays announcing the current ticket number being processed. You will most probably be asked to watch display B for your number (mentioned on your ticket).

Once your number is called, you will proceed to the counter that shows up on the display and hand over the documents as they ask for them. They will then fill in the I551 form (on which you gave your finger print and signature) using the information on I-89 worksheet, and finally stamp your passport.

At that point, you will become a permanent resident.

Good luck.
Oh boy... you are good. Mickey you are great. You took all that time to fill me in. Thanks man. I wish you get citizenship soon. :)