Did I loss H1 status? can one have both two status the same time?


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I met a problem. I am working in US with H1B, my citizenship on H1 I-94 is Chinese. Later I got my canadian passport. After I passed US customer with Canadian PP and H1 I-94 (for a cruise), I find they stamped a stamp on my passport, and wrote some type of class which is not H1B, but something I don't recognize. I was so careless that I didn't pay attention at that moment.
I am quite worried what status I am now, did I loss my H1B status?
Do I need to change I-94 to a new one with Canadian citizenship on in when I pass US customer with a Canadian PP?

bzuccaro said:
You can only be admitted into the U.S. in one non-immigrant status at a time.

Without looking at the stamp in your passport it's difficult to make a determination. Did the inspecting officer make any indication that he or she was denying your admission under H-1B status?

No, I don't think he made any indication. I couldn't remember his questions at that moment. But if he asked, I think I said the trueth, which is that I am working in US. And I definitely showed the I-94 to him. (But I don't think there is the words "H-1B" on that small piece I-94) And he didn't say much, almost nothing, just stamped and wrote.

When I back, I find it was not a "H1B". Since my friend got his "H1B" words on his Canadian pp. (His I-94 is based on Canadian PP)