Did I do the right thing (immigration fraud)


New Member
Hi everyone. I am a silent reader of these boards.
I work for an engineering company dealing with federal contracts. My boss brought a engineer to the team. He claimed he had a Professional Engineer license. So to be sure I googled his first and last name
It seems like in 2002 he plead guilty to immigration fraud. Even though he was convicted and seems like he went to jail, it looks like he was able to keep his PE license.
I immediatelly told my boss. Now I feel like I shouldn't because immigration does not have anything to do with my field. But if he is a fraud convict, wouldn't that make him uneligible for a pe license?
I feel very bab. This guy forged signatures and send them to DOL. I feel very bad for opening my mouth, but.... I think I did the right thing. I hope so.
I dont know anything about engineering licensing, but one would assume that immigration fraud and engineering licenses do not impact upon one another. However, the main question is, if this person was imprisoned due to immigration fraud, under what visa is he using to be employed at your company?
Yes I am positive. USCIS posted his name, residence, even the job he had before and it does matches with his resume.
I just dont feel it was the right thing to do. That is all. I guess if I get fired, leason learned.
my 2cents

May be he is a fraud, but possibly reformed. By telling this to your boss, you only made his life more difficult than it is otherwise.

Every one makes mistakes. I am sure you made a lot. Typically you would like to learn lesson from it and move on. Please (ask your boss to) give that opportunity to him as well.

Just 2cents. No offense meant.

- rspr
Every individual will make their own determination if they were in your shoes. So no point is asking what we individually think. I personally react like a hardliner when I see people breaking or bending immigration laws, but that is me, the individual.

I feel very bad for opening my mouth, but.... I think I did the right thing. I hope so.
I believe the right thing for you to do is tell your boss if your found that he comited fraud of getting his PE license bacause he as your co-worker will affect you directly in your duties. In other words, in that case he will not be a competent engineer then will not hae a clue about his job.

In my opinion, that was not your call to do. At work evertyone should be focus in their own stuff, so that will not bother their responsabilities. In other hand, your company shoud have a human resources department wich is in charge to deal with that kind of issues. In addition to that, in some companies the run background check before hire somebody in order to hire somebady that could get in danger the company or even worst the people who works there. Also, if you took the time and do some research on him, it may be that you saw in danger your job. In other words, that the "new guy" will take your job.
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Maybe he only got involved in a fraud. You don't really know the story behind his case. There are many people who are wrongly accused.

Maybe you did a right thing, but maybe you know not much about his case. I think the damage have been done and you should make things clear, make an apology for going beyond.